ABSTRACT This thesis deals with a complete analysis of the Royal College of Corpus Christi in Valencia. The study was conducted from an architectural point of view and covers the building as a whole. This institution maintains extensive documentation on its files, such as ápocas, notarial documents, incunabula and a large number of books. Its founder was the Blessed D. Juan de Ribera, who after the Council of Trent decided to build its own institution by following the provisions of the Council of Trent, so the building has been dedicated to the formation of priests from its inception. This work is structured around the historical, morphological, the construction process and materials analysis, different aspects that make up this unique building. A historical follow-up surveying has been performed, thus studiying how the Colle­ge has been represented throughout history. We have analyzed the organization of the Seminary’s urban area, making a hypothesis on the distribution of parcels before the cons­truction of the College (1586-1610). The knowledge of the Counter architecture proposed by Charles Borromeo has allowed us to corroborate or refute some aspects of its construc­tion. The documentation study has made possible to develop a digital database. This allowed us to work on several aspects more easily and to propose a hypothesis of the buil­ding construction process. A laser scan of the whole building makes us able to develop graphic documentation (plans, elevations and sections) with great precision. This allowed us to design a three di­mensional model that helps to better understand its construction sequence. Regarding the construction and with a view to a future intervention to restore the Co­llege, an analysis of the materials is essential. This includes various laboratory tests: binocu­lar, petrographic and electronic microscope, density determination of chemical elements, etc., as well as other non-destructive techniques as infrared thermography, comparing the­se results, which is the main contribution of this work.