New technologies applied to news and sporting events production XXI century television has been transformed through changes that have accompanied new technologies. The main objects of analysis in this report are the incidence of new digital production systems on the making of audiovisual information content and sports broadcasting, its impact on labour categories and in the way which alterations in production routines are affecting the characteristics and quality of information messages and sports contents. Departure from traditional work system based on analogical and / or linear components, towards the new digital landscape, has greatly expanded media capabilities. Prospects for production of audiovisual information and sports broadcasting have been dramatically changed with the arrival of successive technological innovations applied to television. Digital technology affects the process of creating the message, but also its content, structure and aesthetics of the message in itself. The development of this investigation is aimed at taking out the specific aspects of news programs and sports broadcasting with the incorporation of new technologies. New production routines, new occupational categories, continuous changes in equipment and facilities and, of course, new investments are just some of the issues to be faced by television companies which want to adapt to news and sports demands from the market. However, this situation, beyond the technical aspect, should also take into account the expressive dimension. Digital technology conditions the process of creating the message, but also the message itself and its quality. Nowadays everything is ephemeral and former technology is doomed to extinction, leading to the disappearance of professionals whose work was based on analogical and / or linear technology. But also, in this case, we have a counterexample: the birth of new job opportunities based on the latest technical innovations. Technologies change and the situation calls for a transformation of the professionals. Therefore, training is needed to respond to new job demands.