Abstract. In the last decades nanomaterials have gained large importance due to their impact in society. Among nanomaterials, those based on carbon seem to be some of the most promising ones due to their potential applications. The present PhD is focused on the functionalization of two of the most promising nanomaterials based on carbon: single walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT) and diamond nanoparticles (npD). SWNT present a series of properties making these materials useful in nanotechnological applications. With the purpose of introducing a photochemical response in the nanotubes, the present PhD is aimed at the preparation of some carbon nanotube-derivatives covalently functionalized mainly on the tips and wall-defects. In the three first chapters (Part I) the synthesis and the different photophysical properties of the covalently functionalized nanotubes derivatives are described. These nanotubes have been modified with chromophores [diphenylantracene, azaxantyl units and a Ru(bpy)32+ metallic complex], demonstrating their different behavior against photochemical stimuli. Concerning npD they are an intense scientific research area, due to their wide variety of potential applications in different fields. In the first chapter dedicated to diamond nanoparticles (Part II) a new procedure of purification/ functionalization is described. This new procedure allows the subsequent high density functionalization with different groups. In the following chapters the synthesis of modified npDs derivatives is described. The functionalization consists in the noble metal nanoparticles deposition (mainly gold) and we explain the different applications we have found for these materials as catalysts or biocatalysts. Altogether the work described in the present PhD demonstrate that functionalization of SWNT can modify the photochemical properties of this material and that the resulting materials display different responses against photochemical stimuli. On the other hand the method described for the purification of npD presents advantages in their efficient functionalization, improving its properties and those of its derivatives. These improvements are translated in the high activity of catalysts and biocatalysts using these hydroxylated / functionalized nanoparticles as support.