Twitter Dataset - Spanish 2015 General Election A. OVERVIEW: This dataset contains unlabelled and labelled collection of tweet ids collected through the Twitter API's Search function since November 2 to December 21, 2015. The research focused on the electoral pre-campaign and campaign for the 2015 Spanish general election. It assessed the issue of the tweet according to Patterson (1980)'s typology for evaluating political mediatisation. B. ABOUT THE FILES IN THE DATASET: 1. README.txt: This file. 2. annotated_tweet_ids_issues_2015_Spanish_general_election.csv: 3117 annotated tweet ids from the 2015 Spanish general election, including the pre-campaign, the campaign and the election day. The codes for label categories are as follows: 1 - Political issue; 2 - Policy issue; 9 - Campaign issue; 10 - Personal issue; 11 - Other issues. These tweet ids were extracting randomly from the corpus extracted. 3. unlabeled_tweet_ids_2015_Spanish_general_election.csv: 15806057 tweet ids. These are not annotated. C. NOTES: It is recommended to open the files from a text editor or through a script. The id_str must be handled as a string. If the file is open from Excel, the id_str will be interpreted as a number, and then converted into a float, losing information in this transformation. You would most certainly need to hydrate (get the full tweet details) the tweet ids using the Twitter API or some other means. Thank you.