RESUMEN EN INGLES: Summary The aim of this work was to determine how milk cow silage consumption of different forages can influence milk and hard paste cheeses. Both inputs used in the process of ensilage were complete corn plants, from crops cultivated with that purpose and residual citrus pulp provided by the citric industry in the Department of Concordia, in the province of Entre Ríos, Argentina. Five different silages in two assays were constructed and analyzed: a) silos of corn in optimum cut state, b) silos of corn having passed the optimum cut time, c) silos of corn having passed the optimum cut time with the adding of lactic bacteria, d) silos of corn having passed the optimum cut time with the adding of citrus pulp, and e) silos with citrus pulp. Eight Holstein cows were fed with 60% of ensilaged forage and the remaining 40% part of the diet with complements rich in proteins, during periods of 14 days for each of 10 treatments. The chemical-physical and bacteriologic properties of milk obtained were studied for each treatment. Argentine Reggianito cheeses were elaborated with milk supplied by each treatment using the conventional technology, thus obtaining two cheeses of 6.00 kg each one respectively. Each treatment was characterized through a quantitative and descriptive analysis of organoleptic characters of cheeses. Results: Adding citrus pulp and lactic bacteria to silos of passed corn improved the metabolizable energy and digestibility of organic matter. Besides, adding citrus pulp greatly ameliorates the microbiological quality of passed corn silos. In treatments with silos formulated on citrus pulp, milk with a cryoscopic point closer to 0ºC was obtained, presenting lower Dornic acidity and with less protein content. From the analysis of cheeses obtained, it is concluded that cheese granular cut and residual flavour are not affected significantly by cow feeding. Those cheeses elaborated with milk from citrus pulp silos did not presented differences in the flavour attribute with those produced with milk from silos of optimum corn. Finally, it was observed that silos containing citrus pulp altered the colour of elaborated cheeses.