ABSTRACT The current high quality red wines market demands wine with good chromatic characteristics and high tannin concentrations, but not overly astringent or bitter. In order to get a good phenolic concentration, limiting the extraction of these astringent compounds, a prefermentative cold maceration it could be interesting, decreasing the contact time between skins and must during the fermentation. The red wines colour depends to the anthocyanin concentration and its state in the wine, which depend to several factors, being one of them the copigmentation phenomenon. Copigmentation is the association between anthocyanins and other less coloured phenolics compounds, giving place a complex structure which increases the wine colour. Moreover the oxygen plays an important key role in the evolution of wine colour and the formation of stable compounds. A technique to stabilize the wine phenolic structure is the use of the micro-oxygenation in order to form small amounts of acetaldehyde, which acts as a bridge between the phenolic compounds. The aim of this work is to study the colour increase and stability in red wines made from Tempranillo, establishing a winemaking methodology that allows increasing phenolic extraction and copigmentation levels. To get this purpose we are going to establish the copigment addition, the prefermentative cold maceration, with cold application or by addition of dry ice, and the micro-oxygenation effect on the anthocyanins and tannins composition and in the reactions, between anthocyanins and tannins, which decisively influence the wine colour stability. The results obtained show that the oenological techniques applied to the Tempranillo wines have a significant effect on the analyzed phenolic parameters related with colour, anthocyanins and tannins. The addition of copigments also contributes to increase the phenolic parameters, increasing the wine stability.