Model-based predictive control by heuristic optimization techniques. Application to nonlinear and multivariable processes. F. Xavier Blasco Ferragud ISBN 84-699-5429-6 Summary: The potential of the methodology of Model-Based Predictive Control (MBPC) to control industrial processes is becoming increasingly significant simply by analyzing the number and type of industrial processes that have been employing. This fact is a strong motivation for those researchers who wish to transfer their experiences to the industrial sector. A key element and at the same time limiting factor for the MBPC methodology is the optimization of indices or cost functions, since as the complexity of the problem grows (nonlinear models, input and output restrictions, stability problems real time, etc..) MBPC will be required, in general, optimization algorithms that guarantee the global minimum in a bounded time. This doctoral thesis is based mainly on exploring the limiting factor to establish new methods for MBPC-based design optimization tools that will address difficult issues, such as the presence of local optima in the cost functions. In this context, the doctoral thesis presents the methodologies heuristics Simulated Annealing and Genetic Algorithms as candidates for solving such problems in MBPC seeking the best adaptation of these techniques to improve the MBPC and setting its parameters to obtain best performance with moderate computational cost. The Thesis also presents certain alternative formulations of other elements of the methodology of MBPC, such as the formulation of cost indices and predictive models (including restrictions) which are addressed in a natural way by the optimization methods proposed in the thesis overcoming the constraints of traditional methods.