Abstract Computer Assisted Psychotherapy (CAP) is defined as any computer system that helps mental health professionals to design and / or to apply treatments. Not always that psychotherapy and computers meet is possible to speak about computer-assisted psychotherapy; this requires the computer system to take any decision based on information provided by the patient, for example, completing a questionnaire to move to the next module of a therapeutic program. This definition excludes videoconferencing, telephone or emails that streamline the communication between therapist and patient, but do not take any decisions about treatment. The interaction between the patient and the computer system is the key of this definition. Computer-assisted psychotherapy systems can run on many different kinds of devices such as desktops, laptops, mobile phones, consoles, virtual reality devices, etc., providing the following benefits: • Improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the intervention • Increasing the reliability of the instruments and the validity of the assessment • Reducing the need of therapists to perform routine tasks • Improving the therapeutic experience making it more pleasant or attractive • Increasing motivation and patient compliance • Facilitating the data registration, data analysis and report generation Despite the significant advantages of CAP systems, their use is not widespread among therapists as desirable and in this sense, several authors have described many obstacles to the widespread use of these technologies, these obstacles include: legal and ethical issues, socio-cultural problems, problems with organization, cost and technological problems. The present work has conducted a thorough analysis of the technological problems to later propose a CAP system structure that provides solutions to the most limiting factors that have existing CAP systems for their extensive use. The platform proposed in this work is called e-intelligent therapy platform (e-IT) which, as noted above, proposed concrete solutions to the following limitations of current CAP systems: • Effort required for CAP systems implementation • Limited Intelligence • CAP systems dealing with just one disorder • No multiparametric patient monitoring • No possibility of changes in real time • Lack of customization of CAP systems • Poor usability The e-IT platform proposed uses an ontology for modeling generalized CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) treatments, which allows the use of these models for all patients after a process of personalization. To this end, the present work has designed and developed the first ontology for mental health that models a cognitive-behavioral therapy treatment. This ontology can be taken as a basis for developing new ontologies, which will extend it and complete it for a particular therapy (motor rehabilitation, cognitive rehabilitation, obesity, agoraphobia, etc.). From this e-IT platform new CAP systems can be developed for a specific disorder (obesity, agoraphobia, fibromyalgia, etc..), which intend to improve, through the use of new technologies, adherence to treatment and the mechanisms of self -control, to ensure the maintenance of treatment gained and prevent relapse. Finally, an example of e-TI application is presented, the eTIOBE system for the treatment of childhood obesity. The results of the first validations carried out to the different modules of the eTIOBE system show a great acceptance of the system by both type of users, clinicians and patients.