ˇ@ˇ@The dissertation, titled Approaching to the Mysterious Vacuity of the Sculpture. A Vision of the Contemporary Sculpture of Oriental and Occidental, and presented by TSUN CHEN TUAN, talks about the motif of vacuity in Asian and Occidental contemporary sculpture. It makes a complete study of analysis and comparison between the forms in which the two civilizations so different in spaces could have so many characteristics that approach to them. ˇ@ˇ@ ˇ@ˇ@The enormous domain in economy and power in the occidental world over that in the oriental world has exercised great influence on the culture of the modern Asian countries. This phenomenon will explain the principal changes that have occurred. It refers to not only the question of art and culture, but also to the characteristics of the time and the social trend in which the artist stays involved. ˇ@ˇ@ ˇ@ˇ@As it happens to the air, we always ignore the existence of the vacuity by spontaneous way. However, if the vacuity did not exist, any being would lose its possibility to exist. Although we could not see it nor touch it, the vacuity is the prior requirement for every beingˇ¦s existence, including for ourselves. We could say that this work talks about the motif of vacuity by means of comparing philosophical, psychological and cultural elements in general, in order to get a common representation of this topic in Oriental and Occidental sculpture. Relying our classification on the function, the state or the existence of vacuity, we will analyze the distinct forms of presentation in the sculpture, in concrete elements, such as box, house, tunnel, tomb, glass, showcase or uterusˇK and that we will face those with their conceptual and formal representation. ˇ@ˇ@ ˇ@ˇ@From the study, we will get the conclusion of that the contemporary sculpture has become multiple and varied, and precisely it is because of the participation of the vacuity in it. By means of the comparison between the sculpture works of European artists and those of American artists, together with those done by Asian artists, we could realize that the vacuity is considered as on sculpture element, capable to show the common aspects between two culture systems so different, either in psychology or in philosophy and esthetics degrees. In such way and by means of analyzing the characteristics in common, we could also find some nuances among those two cultures. So, applying the sculpture as medium, these divergences allow us to understand the multiplicity and complicity of the vacuity. ˇ@ˇ@ ˇ@ˇ@Letˇ¦s think about that realizing the existence of vacuity, acquiring full consciousness of it, feeling it, and applying it, forms a important and crucial way, of which the value will be undeniable for the contemporary sculpture development in the future.