This README.txt file was generated on <2021-12-DD> by ------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- Title of Dataset: iCAREPLAST's Aspen Plus model - results dataset for plastic recyling plant Author Information: Catalán Martínez, David: CSIC-UPV. Instituto Universitario Mixto de Tecnología Química. ORCID Alabort Martínez, Carles: Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. Instituto Universitario de Automática e Informática Industrial. ORCID N/A Sanchis Saez, Javier: Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. Instituto Universitario de Automática e Informática Industrial. ORCID Serra Alfaro, Jose Manuel: CSIC-UPV. Instituto Universitario Mixto de Tecnología Química. ORCID Date of data collection: 2021-07-16 Geographic location of data collection: Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV), Valencia, Spain Information about funding sources or sponsorship that supported the collection of the data: Project Title: "Integrated Catalytic Recycling of Plastic Residues into Added-Value chemicals" Project Acronym: iCAREPLAST Project Call: European Union Horizon 2020, Innovation Action (IA) (H2020-NMBP-SPIRE-20118) Grant Number: 820770 General description: The aim of iCAREPLAST project is to provide a cost and energy-efficient alternative to recycle and valorise non-recycled plastic waste (ca. 70% of European plastic waste) that, due to their characteristics or their contamination, are currently disposed into landfills (27%) or underexploited through energy recovery (42%). iCAREPLAST project, summarized in Fig.1, combines pyrolysis, catalytic treatment and membrane separation technologies to obtain high added-value chemicals, as they are (alkyl-)aromatics (BTXs and medium to long-chain alkyl-aromatics), that can be used to produce virgin-quality polymers or as raw materials for other processes in petrochemicals, fine chemicals and surfactants industries. As in other production processes, process control represents a key issue in the efficient operation of the proposed plant. WP5: “Plant modelling, control and optimization” will try to apply some state-of-art control and optimization techniques with the purpose of manage the iCAREPLAST process as a whole, taking into account several key information related to yields, energy use, sustainability indicators, etc. to drive the process towards its optimum operating point. In iCAREPLAST project, several approaches of process model simulations are considered. The first one is known as steady-state simulation, where iCAREPLAST partners can model different scenarios by handling with design parameters. This type of simulation is typically done during the conceptual phase of a project in an effort to gain a better understanding of how a design can be altered to get the most out of the process from both a business standpoint and an engineering perspective. The datasets presented belongs to this kind of simulations where a steady-state model has been developed in Aspen Plus and several sensitivity analysis has been performed. The datasets comprises raw data from steady-state model simulations performed using Aspen Plus Software. Each dataset corresponds with each unit or subprocess belonging to the entire iCAREPLAST process. Keywords: Dataset, Sensitivity Analysis, Pyrolysis, Alkylation, Aromatization, Oxycombustion -------------------------- SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION -------------------------- Open Access to data: Open License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial (CC-BY-NC) *Citation for and links to publications that cite or use the data: N/A *Links/relationships to previous or related data sets: N/A *Links to other publicly accessible locations of the data: N/A -------------------- DATA & FILE OVERVIEW -------------------- File list: File name: Pyrolysis_dataset.csv Description: Data set obtained from the sensitivity analysis applied to the pyrolysis system. The independent variables are the pyrolysis and pre-heating temperatures, and the mass flow of the input plastic mixture. As dependent variables, the pyrolysis energy and mass flow rates of the different pyrolysis components have been defined. File name: Alkylation_dataset.csv Description: Data set obtained from the sensitivity analysis applied to the pyrolyzer + alkylation assembly. The independent variables are the pyrolysis and pre-heating temperatures, the mass flow of the input plastic mixture, and the pressure and temperature of the alkylation reactor. As dependent variables, the alkylation energy and the mass flow rates of the different monoalkylated compounds (17 monoalkyls in total), and liquid and gas product mass flow. File name: Aromatization_dataset.csv Description: Data set obtained from the sensitivity analysis applied to the pyrolyzer + aromatization assembly. The independent variables are the pyrolysis and pre-heating temperatures, the mass flow of the input plastic mixture, and the pressure and temperature of the aromatization reactor. As dependent variables, the aromatization energy and the mass flow rates of the different compounds resulting from the aromatization reactions have been defined. File name: Equivalent_methane_compounds_dataset.csv Description: Data set obtained from the sensitivity analysis applied to the pyrolyzer + alkylation assembly. The independent variables are the pyrolysis temperature, the mass flow of the input plastic mixture, the alkylation pressure and temperature. As dependent variables, the mass flow rates of each of the compounds that form the gaseous fraction resulting from pyrolysis and alkylation, which will be the input to the oxy-combustion, have been defined. These data will be used later to calculate the equivalent methane. File name: Oxycombustion_EqMethane_dataset.csv Description: Data set obtained from the sensitivity analysis applied to the oxy-combustion assembly (****). The independent variables are the equivalent intlet methane mass flow, inlet gas temperature, inlet air temperature, compressor pressure and inlet air mass flow. As dependent variables, the heat energy of the heat exchangers, the electrical energy of the turbo-compressor assembly, the OTM Reactor temperature and the mass flows of CO2 and H2O, product of combustion, have been defined. Relationship between files: The data in the files can be understood independently of each other. Even so, the same parameters (and their ranges of values) have been selected as independent variables in each sensitivity analysis to ensure a degree of uniformity between the different files. Type of version of the dataset: All data shown in the files are raw data, obtained directly from a sensitivity analysis in the "Aspen Plus" software. Total size: 42.9 MB (Pyrolysis_dataset:654 KB; Alkylation_dataset:12.84 MB; Aromatization_dataset:3.99 MB; Equivalent_methane_compounds_dataset:3.37 MB; Oxycombustion_EqMethane_dataset:22.1 MB) -------------------------- METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION -------------------------- Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: The data sets have been generated by means of various sensitivity analyses applied to the complete model defined in the Aspen Plus software. These sensitivity analyses study the impact of variations in certain parameters (independent variables) on various dependent variables. *Methods for processing the data: N/A *Software- or Instrument-specific information needed to interpret the data, including software and hardware version numbers: Microsoft Excel - any version *Standards and calibration information, if appropriate: N/A *Environmental/experimental conditions: N/A *Describe any quality-assurance procedures performed on the data: N/A -------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION -------------------------- Number of variables: 16 Number of cases/rows: 4125 Variable list, defining any abbreviations, units of measure, codes or symbols used: Row/Case: Indicates de number of row. Temperature (Pre-heat): Temperature set point for the heat exchanger upstream of the pyrolizer reactor. Heats the pre-treated plastic to favor the melted plastic flow. Units in Celsius. Temperature (Pyrolysis): Temperature set point for the pyrolysis reactor. Units in Celsius. Mass flow PE: Polyethylene mass flow input into the pyrolizer reactor. Units in kg/h. Mass flow PP: Polypropylene mass flow input into the pyrolizer reactor. Units in kg/h. Mass flow PS: Polystyrene mass flow input into the the pyrolizer reactor. Units in kg/h. Mass flow Olefins: Olefins fraction present in the pyrolysis liquid flow product, expressed as mass flow. Units in kg/h. Mass flow Aromatics: Aromatics fraction present in the pyrolysis liquid flow product, expressed as mass flow. Units in kg/h. Mass flow Parafins: Parafins fraction present in the pyrolysis liquid flow product, expressed as mass flow. Units in kg/h. Mass flow Heavy: Heavy compounds (>16 number of Carbon) fraction present in the pyrolysis liquid flow product, expressed as mass flow. Units in kg/h. Mass flow Gas fraction (to oxy-combustion): Gas fraction from the primary gas obtained in the pyrolysis process after condensation at the exit of the reactor, expressed as mass flow. Units in kg/h. Mass flow Liquid fraction (to alkylation): Liquid fraction from the primary gas obtained in the pyrolysis process after condensation at the exit of the reactor, expressed as mass flow. Units in kg/h. Heat energy (Pre-heat): Required heat energy to reach the pre-heat exchanger temperature set point. Units in kW. Heat energy (Reactor PE): Required heat energy to pyrolyze polyethylene at the specified Pyrolysis temperature. Units in kW. Heat energy (Reactor PP): Required heat energy to pyrolyze polypropylene at the specified Pyrolysis temperature. Units in kW. Heat energy (Reactor PS): Required heat energy to pyrolyze polystyrene at the specified Pyrolysis temperature. Units in kW. Missing data codes: N/A Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: N/A -------------------------- Number of variables: 32 Number of cases/rows: 40542 Variable list, defining any abbreviations, units of measure, codes or symbols used: Row/Case: Indicates de number of row. Temperature (Pre-heat): Temperature set point for the heat exchanger upstream of the pyrolizer reactor. Heats the pre-treated plastic to favor the melted plastic flow. Units in Celsius. Temperature (Pyrolysis): Temperature set point for the pyrolysis reactor. Units in Celsius. Mass flow PE: Polyethylene mass flow input into the pyrolizer reactor. Units in kg/h. Mass flow PP: Polypropylene mass flow input into the pyrolizer reactor. Units in kg/h. Mass flow PS: Polystyrene mass flow input into the the pyrolizer reactor. Units in kg/h. Temperature (Alkylation): Temperature set point for the alkylation reactor. Units in Celsius. Pressure (Alkylation): Pressure set point for the alkylation reactor. Units in bar. Mass flow Olefins: Olefins fraction present in the pyrolysis liquid flow product, expressed as mass flow. Units in kg/h. Mass flow Aromatics: Aromatics fraction present in the pyrolysis liquid flow product, expressed as mass flow. Units in kg/h. Mass flow Parafins: Parafins fraction present in the pyrolysis liquid flow product, expressed as mass flow. Units in kg/h. Mass flow Heavy: Heavy compounds (>16 number of Carbon) fraction present in the pyrolysis liquid flow product, expressed as mass flow. Units in kg/h. Reaction energy (Alkylation): Required heat energy for the alkylation reaction at the specified temperature (exothermic reaction). Units in kW. Mass flow (ALK1): Alkylaromatic 1 (Hexylbenzene) fraction present in the alkylation liquid flow product, expressed as mass flow. Units in kg/h. Mass flow (ALK2): Alkylaromatic 2 (Octylbenzene) fraction present in the alkylation liquid flow product, expressed as mass flow. Units in kg/h. Mass flow (ALK3): Alkylaromatic 3 (Decylbenzene) fraction present in the alkylation liquid flow product, expressed as mass flow. Units in kg/h. Mass flow (ALK4): Alkylaromatic 4 (Dodecylbenzene) fraction present in the alkylation liquid flow product, expressed as mass flow. Units in kg/h. Mass flow (ALK5): Alkylaromatic 5 (Hexadecilbenzene) fraction present in the alkylation liquid flow product, expressed as mass flow. Units in kg/h. Mass flow (ALK6): Alkylaromatic 6 (Heptylbenzene) fraction present in the alkylation liquid flow product, expressed as mass flow. Units in kg/h. Mass flow (ALK7): Alkylaromatic 7 (Octyltoluene) fraction present in the alkylation liquid flow product, expressed as mass flow. Units in kg/h. Mass flow (ALK8): Alkylaromatic 8 (1-decyl-4-methylbenzene) fraction present in the alkylation liquid flow product, expressed as mass flow. Units in kg/h. Mass flow (ALK9): Alkylaromatic 9 (Tridecylbenzene) fraction present in the alkylation liquid flow product, expressed as mass flow. Units in kg/h. Mass flow (ALK10): Alkylaromatic 10 (Hexadecyltoluene) fraction present in the alkylation liquid flow product, expressed as mass flow. Units in kg/h. Mass flow (ALK11): Alkylaromatic 11 (Tetradecylbenzene) fraction present in the alkylation liquid flow product, expressed as mass flow. Units in kg/h. Mass flow (ALK12): Alkylaromatic 12 (Hexapropylbenzene) fraction present in the alkylation liquid flow product, expressed as mass flow. Units in kg/h. Mass flow (ALK13): Alkylaromatic 13 (Hexylstyrene) fraction present in the alkylation liquid flow product, expressed as mass flow. Units in kg/h. Mass flow (ALK14): Alkylaromatic 14 (Octylstyrene) fraction present in the alkylation liquid flow product, expressed as mass flow. Units in kg/h. Mass flow (ALK15): Alkylaromatic 15 (Decylstyrene) fraction present in the alkylation liquid flow product, expressed as mass flow. Units in kg/h. Mass flow (ALK16): Alkylaromatic 16 (Dodecylstyrene) fraction present in the alkylation liquid flow product, expressed as mass flow. Units in kg/h. Mass flow (ALK17): Alkylaromatic 17 (Hexadecylstyrene) fraction present in the alkylation liquid flow product, expressed as mass flow. Units in kg/h. Mass flow Alkylation Liquid: Alkylation liquid product, expressed as mass flow. Units in kg/h. Mass flow Alkylation Gas: Alkylation gas product, expressed as mass flow. Units in kg/h. Missing data codes: N/A Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: N/A -------------------------- Number of variables: 22 Number of cases/rows: 20625 Variable list, defining any abbreviations, units of measure, codes or symbols used: Row/Case: Indicates de number of row. Temperature (Pre-heat): Temperature set point for the heat exchanger upstream of the pyrolizer reactor. Heats the pre-treated plastic to favor the melted plastic flow. Units in Celsius. Temperature (Pyrolysis): Temperature set point for the pyrolysis reactor. Units in Celsius. Mass flow PE: Polyethylene mass flow input into the pyrolizer reactor. Units in kg/h. Mass flow PP: Polypropylene mass flow input into the pyrolizer reactor. Units in kg/h. Mass flow PS: Polystyrene mass flow input into the the pyrolizer reactor. Units in kg/h. Temperature (Aromatization): Temperature set point for the aromatization reactor. Units in Celsius. Pressure (Aromatization): Pressure set point for the aromatization reactor. Units in bar. Mass flow Olefins_pyro: Mass flow of the Olefins fraction present in the pyrolysis liquid fraction. Units in kg/h. Mass flow Aromatics_pyro: Mass flow of the Aromatics fraction present in the pyrolysis liquid fraction. Units in kg/h. Mass flow Parafins_pyro: Mass flow of the Parafins fraction present in the pyrolysis liquid fraction. Units in kg/h. Mass flow Heavy_pyro: Mass flow of the Heavy compounds (>16 number of Carbon) fraction present in the pyrolysis liquid fraction. Units in kg/h. Pre-heat energy (Aromatization): Required heat energy to adequate the input flow up to the specified temperature. Units in kW. Reaction energy (Aromatization): Required heat energy for the aromatization reaction at the specified temperature. Units in kW. Mass flow Olefins_arom: Mass flow of the Olefins fraction present in the aromatization product mass flow. Units in kg/h. Mass flow Aromatics_arom: Mass flow of the Aromatics fraction present in the aromatization product mass flow. Units in kg/h. Mass flow Parafins_arom: Mass flow of the Parafins fraction present in the aromatization product mass flow. Units in kg/h. Mass flow Heavy_arom: Mass flow of the Heavy compounds (>16 number of Carbon) fraction present in the aromatization product mass flow. Units in kg/h. Mass flow BENZENE_pyro: Mass flow of the BENZENE fraction present in the pyrolysis liquid fraction. Units in kg/h. Mass flow BENZENE_arom: Mass flow of the BENZENE fraction present in the aromatization product mass flow. Units in kg/h. Mass flow ETHYLBENZENE_pyro: Mass flow of the ETHYLBENZENE fraction present in the pyrolysis liquid fraction. Units in kg/h. Mass flow ETHYLBENZENE_arom: Mass flow of the ETHYLBENZENE fraction present in the aromatization product mass flow. Units in kg/h. Missing data codes: N/A Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: N/A -------------------------- Number of variables: 61 Number of cases/rows: 5760 Variable list, defining any abbreviations, units of measure, codes or symbols used: Row/Case: Indicates de number of row. Temperature (Pre-heat): Temperature set point for the heat exchanger upstream of the pyrolizer reactor. Heats the pre-treated plastic to favor the melted plastic flow. Units in Celsius. Temperature (Pyrolysis): Temperature set point for the pyrolysis reactor. Units in Celsius. Mass flow PE: Polyethylene mass flow input into the pyrolizer reactor. Units in kg/h. Mass flow PP: Polypropylene mass flow input into the pyrolizer reactor. Units in kg/h. Mass flow PS: Polystyrene mass flow input into the the pyrolizer reactor. Units in kg/h. Temperature (Alkylation): Temperature set point for the alkylation reactor. Units in Celsius. Pressure (Alkylation): Pressure set point for the alkylation reactor. Units in bar. Mass flow CH4: Mass flow of CH4 fraction present in the inlet gas flow to oxycombustion. Units in kg/h. Mass flow PAR-C2: Mass flow of PAR-C2 (Molecule C2H6) fraction present in the inlet gas flow to oxycombustion. Units in kg/h. Mass flow PAR-C3: Mass flow of PAR-C3 (Molecule C3H8) fraction present in the inlet gas flow to oxycombustion. Units in kg/h. Mass flow PAR-C4: Mass flow of PAR-C4 (Molecule C4H10) fraction present in the inlet gas flow to oxycombustion. Units in kg/h. Mass flow PAR-C6: Mass flow of PAR-C6 (Molecule C6H14) fraction present in the inlet gas flow to oxycombustion. Units in kg/h. Mass flow PAR-C8: Mass flow of PAR-C8 (Molecule C8H18) fraction present in the inlet gas flow to oxycombustion. Units in kg/h. Mass flow PAR-C10: Mass flow of PAR-C10 (Molecule C10H22) fraction present in the inlet gas flow to oxycombustion. Units in kg/h. Mass flow PAR-C12: Mass flow of PAR-C12 (Molecule C12H6) fraction present in the inlet gas flow to oxycombustion. Units in kg/h. Mass flow PAR-C16: Mass flow of PAR-C16 (Molecule C16H34) fraction present in the inlet gas flow to oxycombustion. Units in kg/h. Mass flow PAR-C20: Mass flow of PAR-C20 (Molecule C20H42) fraction present in the inlet gas flow to oxycombustion. Units in kg/h. Mass flow PAR-C24: Mass flow of PAR-C24 (Molecule C24H50) fraction present in the inlet gas flow to oxycombustion. Units in kg/h. Mass flow PAR-C28: Mass flow of PAR-C28 (Molecule C28H58) fraction present in the inlet gas flow to oxycombustion. Units in kg/h. Mass flow PAR-C30: Mass flow of PAR-C30 (Molecule C30H62) fraction present in the inlet gas flow to oxycombustion. Units in kg/h. Mass flow OLE-C2: Mass flow of OLE-C2 (Molecule C2H4) fraction present in the inlet gas flow to oxycombustion. Units in kg/h. Mass flow OLE-C3: Mass flow of OLE-C3 (Molecule C3H6) fraction present in the inlet gas flow to oxycombustion. Units in kg/h. Mass flow OLE-C4: Mass flow of OLE-C4 (Molecule C4H8) fraction present in the inlet gas flow to oxycombustion. Units in kg/h. Mass flow OLE-C4B: Mass flow of OLE-C4B (Molecule C4H8) fraction present in the inlet gas flow to oxycombustion. Units in kg/h. Mass flow OLE-C5: Mass flow of OLE-C5 (Molecule C5H10) fraction present in the inlet gas flow to oxycombustion. Units in kg/h. Mass flow OLE-C6: Mass flow of OLE-C6 (Molecule C6H12) fraction present in the inlet gas flow to oxycombustion. Units in kg/h. Mass flow OLE-C8: Mass flow of OLE-C8 (Molecule C8H16) fraction present in the inlet gas flow to oxycombustion. Units in kg/h. Mass flow OLE-C10: Mass flow of OLE-C10 (Molecule C10H20) fraction present in the inlet gas flow to oxycombustion. Units in kg/h. Mass flow OLE-C12: Mass flow of OLE-C12 (Molecule C12H24) fraction present in the inlet gas flow to oxycombustion. Units in kg/h. Mass flow OLE-C16: Mass flow of OLE-C16 (Molecule C16H32) fraction present in the inlet gas flow to oxycombustion. Units in kg/h. Mass flow OLE-C20: Mass flow of OLE-C20 (Molecule C20H40) fraction present in the inlet gas flow to oxycombustion. Units in kg/h. Mass flow OLE-C24: Mass flow of OLE-C24 (Molecule C24H48) fraction present in the inlet gas flow to oxycombustion. Units in kg/h. Mass flow OLE-C28: Mass flow of OLE-C28 (Molecule C28H56) fraction present in the inlet gas flow to oxycombustion. Units in kg/h. Mass flow OLE-C30: Mass flow of OLE-C30 (Molecule C30H60) fraction present in the inlet gas flow to oxycombustion. Units in kg/h. Mass flow ALK1: Mass flow of Alkylaromatic 1 (Molecule C12H18) fraction present in the inlet gas flow to oxycombustion. Units in kg/h. Mass flow ALK2: Mass flow of Alkylaromatic 2 (Molecule C14H22) fraction present in the inlet gas flow to oxycombustion. Units in kg/h. Mass flow ALK3: Mass flow of Alkylaromatic 3 (Molecule C16H26) fraction present in the inlet gas flow to oxycombustion. Units in kg/h. Mass flow ALK4: Mass flow of Alkylaromatic 4 (Molecule C18H30) fraction present in the inlet gas flow to oxycombustion. Units in kg/h. Mass flow ALK5: Mass flow of Alkylaromatic 5 (Molecule C22H38) fraction present in the inlet gas flow to oxycombustion. Units in kg/h. Mass flow ALK6: Mass flow of Alkylaromatic 6 (Molecule C13H20) fraction present in the inlet gas flow to oxycombustion. Units in kg/h. Mass flow ALK7: Mass flow of Alkylaromatic 7 (Molecule C15H24) fraction present in the inlet gas flow to oxycombustion. Units in kg/h. Mass flow ALK8: Mass flow of Alkylaromatic 8 (Molecule C17H28) fraction present in the inlet gas flow to oxycombustion. Units in kg/h. Mass flow ALK9: Mass flow of Alkylaromatic 9 (Molecule C19H32) fraction present in the inlet gas flow to oxycombustion. Units in kg/h. Mass flow ALK10: Mass flow of Alkylaromatic 10 (Molecule C23H40) fraction present in the inlet gas flow to oxycombustion. Units in kg/h. Mass flow ALK11: Mass flow of Alkylaromatic 11 (Molecule C20H34) fraction present in the inlet gas flow to oxycombustion. Units in kg/h. Mass flow ALK12: Mass flow of Alkylaromatic 12 (Molecule C24H42) fraction present in the inlet gas flow to oxycombustion. Units in kg/h. Mass flow ALK13: Mass flow of Alkylaromatic 13 (Molecule C14H20) fraction present in the inlet gas flow to oxycombustion. Units in kg/h. Mass flow ALK14: Mass flow of Alkylaromatic 14 (Molecule C16H24) fraction present in the inlet gas flow to oxycombustion. Units in kg/h. Mass flow ALK15: Mass flow of Alkylaromatic 15 (Molecule C18H28) fraction present in the inlet gas flow to oxycombustion. Units in kg/h. Mass flow ALK16: Mass flow of Alkylaromatic 16 (Molecule C20H32) fraction present in the inlet gas flow to oxycombustion. Units in kg/h. Mass flow ALK17: Mass flow of Alkylaromatic 17 (Molecule C24H40) fraction present in the inlet gas flow to oxycombustion. Units in kg/h. Mass flow BENZENE: Mass flow of Benzene fraction present in the inlet gas flow to oxycombustion. Units in kg/h. Mass flow TOLUENE: Mass flow of Toluene fraction present in the inlet gas flow to oxycombustion. Units in kg/h. Mass flow ETHYLBENZENE: Mass flow of Ethylbenzene fraction present in the inlet gas flow to oxycombustion. Units in kg/h. Mass flow NAPHTALENE: Mass flow of Naphtalene fraction present in the inlet gas flow to oxycombustion. Units in kg/h. Mass flow STYRENE: Mass flow of Styrene fraction present in the inlet gas flow to oxycombustion. Units in kg/h. Mass flow CYCLO: Mass flow of Cyclohexane fraction present in the inlet gas flow to oxycombustion. Units in kg/h. Mass flow H2: Mass flow of H2 fraction present in the inlet gas flow to oxycombustion. Units in kg/h. Mass flow ISO4: Mass flow of ISO4 fraction present in the inlet gas flow to oxycombustion. Units in kg/h. Equivalent CH4: Mass flow of the equivalent methane calculated with the gas composition and its Lower Heating Values (LHV). Units in kg/h. Missing data codes: N/A Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: F_eqCH4 = Σ F_i*(LHV_i/LHV_CH4) where F_i = gas flow of compound "i" -------------------------- Number of variables: 18 Number of cases/rows: 137472 Variable list, defining any abbreviations, units of measure, codes or symbols used: Row/Case: Indicates de number of row. Mass flow CH4eq: Mass flow of the equivalent methane ( to oxycombustion chamber. Units in kg/h. Pressure (Compressor): Pressure set point for the air compressor upstream of the OTM chamber. Units in bar. Temperature GAS (Gas inlet): Temperature set point for the inlet GAS heat exchanger upstream of the OTM chamber. Units in Celsius. Mass flow AIR: Mass flow of the AIR input directed to oxycombustion chamber through the compressor. Units in kg/h. Temperature AIR (Air inlet): Temperature set point for the inlet AIR heat exchanger upstream of the OTM chamber. Units in Celsius. Heat energy (Air input exchanger): Required heat energy to increase the AIR feed current temperature. Units in kW. Heat energy (Air hot exchanger): Recovered heat energy from the high temperature AIR from the OTM chamber. Units in kW. Heat energy (Air cold exchanger): Recovered heat energy from the dependent AIR flow, after turbine. Units in kW. Heat energy (Gas input exchanger): Required heat energy to increase the GAS feed current temperature. Units in kW. Heat energy (Gas hot exchanger): Recovered heat energy from the high temperature GAS produced in the oxycombustion at the OTM chamber. Units in kW. Heat energy (Gas cold exchanger): Recovered heat energy from the low temperature GAS. Units in kW. Mass flow CO2: Mass flow of the CO2 product of oxycombustion. Units in kg/h. Mass flow H2O: Mass flow of the H2O product of oxycombustion. Units in kg/h. Temperature (OTM): OTM reactor chamber temperature. Units in Celsius. Electric power (Compressor): Required electric energy to increase the AIR feed current pressure. Units in kW. Electric power (Turbine): Recovered electric energy from the outlet air flow. Units in kW. Mass flow Air outlet: Mass flow of the AIR outlet after oxycombustion. Units in kg/h. Missing data codes: N/A Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: N/A --------------------------