ABSTRACT Research on new microporous materials has been studying how to introduce in these materials interesting properties in order to extend their use as catalyst, adsorbents or molecular sieves. In the last years the aim was to improve the accesibility of the active centres combined with large porous materials. In this context, it would be a posibility the use of layered zeotypes, because these materials present a high thermic stability, good acidity properties and accesibility. The possibility to incorporate different cation in the framework of the layered zeotypes, which will modify their properties and will allow to use them as catalysts present an important alterantive for the future. In the present PhD work it has been studied the incorporation of different metallic cations, such as Al and different transition metals in the layered silici acid Magadiite and Kenyaite using structure directing agents. At the same time, with the aim to improve the accesibility to the acid or redox active centers, the surface area of the layered silicic acid has been increased using different post – synthesis treatment as the pillaring process (inorganic pillars of silica intercaleted between the layers) and the delamination process (layers completed dispersed). Using these post-synthesis treatments the acid and redox centers in Magadiite and Kenyaite, respectively containing aluminium and transition metals, are accesibles, powering the acid and redox properties. Finally, it has been studied the incorporation of transition metals in the framework of known zeolites such as Y, Beta and ZSM-5, using a source that containing simultaneously silica and a metal, being the source the layered silicic acid Magadiite and Kenyaite, previously obtained with different metallic cations.