Estudio del efecto de la aplicación de tecnologías multimedia y del modelado basado en bocetos en el desarrollo de las habilidades espaciales. Abstract The objective of this thesis is to determine to what extent the new technologies (resources Web online and programs of sketching by computer) are useful for the improvement of the spatial abilities that the engineer profession requires. For that, have been selected two test of measurement of those capacities (DAT-SR and MRT) and has been carried out a study with first year students of the University of La Laguna (also some data of the University Jaume I of Castellón and of the Polytechnical University of Cartagena have been taken). First, the capacities of these students were measured in the beginning of the year. Once analyzed the results, the students whose results were worse, were selected and divided in three groups of improvement. A different course of space abilities was distributed to the three groups. One using classic exercices of pencil and paper, another one by means of resources Web online and third by means of the use of the application e-CIGRO (tool of sketching by computer developed by REGEO group). Finally, at the end of course the students make again both test. The obtained results indicate that the three intensive courses, improve the spatial abilities of the students, obtaining very similar results in all of them. Also it is observed that the subjets of Engineering Design Graphic makes improvement of space abilities of the students.