This doctoral thesis is mainly based on the Valencian Philarmonic Society evolution since its establishment in 1911 until 1945, period which includes the most relevant decades of its history. This cronological spectrum is also divided into three stages. Once several musical precedents of the Society and its origin have been analized, the first stage explains the quick consolidation of the entity until 1922, when Enrique Pecourt accedes to the board of goverment and also when the Valencian Philarmonic Society develops its most brilliant time. This stage ends with the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War. The last stage (1936-1945) is focussed on how the war influenced on the Philarmonic Society. On each period, the different administrative, social and musical aspects are studied. The administrative aspects show the programme offered to the society members, the procedure contracting, the goverment meetings, the different places chosen to carry out auditions and notes published on the hand programmes. The social aspects show the profile of the members and their reaction to the concerts. Finally, the musical questions analize the main figures of the auditions, the performers, the programme offered, the concert reviews, as well as a survey of the most outstanding valencian critics ot that moment. Besides, the thesis pretends to contextualize the Valencian Philarmonic Society with the rest of similar entities of the time. Each stage starts also with the analysis of the sociopolitical and musical context in wich this society performs. Finally, the influence of the Society on the valencian musical life is also studied.