Abstract The identification of the dynamic parameters constituting a robotic manipulator dynamic model has the purpose of accurately estimating the values of such parameters starting from experimental measurements of the robot motion and is the only practical method that allows obtaining reliable values for a mechanical system with a minimal complexity. The importance of dynamic parameter identification becomes obvious especially in inverse dynamics control as well as dynamic simulation applications. In this thesis, dynamic parameter identification is addressed, from both a theoretical and an experimental point of view, in open chain robotic manipulators. On the one hand, the dynamic model of a robotic manipulator is developed starting from the dynamics equations according to the Gibbs-Appell formalism. Therefore, the robot is assumed to be constituted by rigid links, being the dynamic behaviour of the actuators independently modeled. Several friccion models linear with respect to the coefficients are also considered in order to model friction phenomena at the joints. Later, the equations constituting this dynamic model are rewritten linearly with respect to the dynamic parameters to be identified and in matrix form, in order to allow the application of numerical algorithms both for the analysis and reduction and for the solution of the constituted equation system. On the other hand, some fundamental aspects of dynamic parameter identification are addressed both theoretically and experimentally. Thus, the generation of optimized trajectories is addressed, making use of parameterization by means of finite Fourier series, which allows taking profit of their periodicity. Also, a procedure is proposed for the solution of the equation system which ensures the physical feasibility of the identified dynamic parameters. This procedure is based on the application of technics for non-linear optimization with non-linear constraints. Finally, two identification methods are presented: the first one according to a direct identification scheme, while the second is a combination of the direct and the indirect identification schemes. Both the robotic manipulator dynamic model and the different identification methods proposed in this thesis are validated by means of their experimental application to dynamic parameter identification in a PUMA 560 industrial robotic manipulator provided with an open control architecture. The obtained results allow to extract some conclusions with respect to their practical implementation.