SUMMARY Title: ” Advanced oxidation process (solar photocatalysis) applied to textile wastewater in order to be reused”. The aim of this Project is to study of the applicability of solar photo-oxidative treatments (photo-Fenton and heterogeneous photocatalysis with TiO2) to remediate wastewater from exhaust baths from dyeing cotton. In the experiments, reactive dyes containing different chromophores, namely azo, anthraquinone and phthalocyanin, were employed, and also combinations of them. Bath treatment was carried out with sunlight and by means of a solar simulator; laboratory scale open glass reactors and pilot plant for solar detoxification were employed. Decoloration was followed spectrophotometrically analysis, chemical oxygen demand (COD), and the total organic carbon (TOC) were used to determine organic matter. Titanium dioxide proved to be efficient to treat azo and anthraquinone dyes, as fast decoloration was achieved and preliminary experiments showed that the effluent could be recycled for further dyeing processes. Nevertheless, phthalocyanines could not be oxidised by this method and more aggressive photo-Fenton was needed. Photo-treated wastewater was used to dye cotton by bath exhaust dyeing process. Results of dyeing where analyzed by reflectance spectophotometric analysis and by colour fastness tests. Comparable results were obtained with fresh and re-used water when using each family of dyes and even polychromies containing different kinds of dyestuffs . These results confirm the efficiency and extent of the photo-Fenton treatment to reuse water on further dyeing treatments, regardless the nature of the dye. This is an important result in order to improve the sustainability of textile activities and research with real effluents in pilot scale appears meaningful.