Currently, clusters of PCs are considered a cost-effective alternative to large parallel computers. In these systems thousands of components (processors and/or hard disks) are connected through high-performance interconnection networks. Among the high-performance network technologies currently available to build clusters, InfiniBand (IBA) has emerged as a new standard interconnection technology suitable for clusters. Indeed, has been adopted by many of the most powerful systems currently built (top500 list). As the number of nodes increases in these systems, the interconnection network grows accordingly. Along with the increase in components the probability of faults increases dramatically, and thus, fault tolerance in the system, in general, and in the interconnection network, in particular, becomes a necessity. Unfortunately, most of the fault-tolerant routing strategies proposed for massively parallel computers cannot be applied because routing and virtual channel transitions are deterministic in IBA, which prevent packets from avoiding the faults. Therefore, a new and effective fault-tolerant strategy is needed. Thus, this thesis focuses on providing mechanisms for provinding adequate levels of fault tolerance to the routing in PC clusters, specially tailored to IBA networks. We propose and evaluate in this thesis several mechanisms suitable for interconnection networks for clusters. The first mechanism to provide fault tolerance in IBA (referred to as Transition Fault Tolerant Routing; TFTR) consists of using several disjoint paths between every source-destination pair of nodes and selecting the appropriate path at the source end node by using the APM mechanism provided by IBA. It consists of migrating on the fly the paths affected by the failure to alternative fault-free paths. However, to this end, an efficient routing algorithm able to provide enough disjoint paths, while still guaranteeing deadlock freedom, is required. We refer to an efficient routing algorithm as the one that minimizes the required set of resources and is computed in a time-efficient manner. We address this issue/approach, in a second effort, by proposing an scalable fault-tolerance methodology (referred to as SPFTR) for tori in IBA networks. As a second contribution of this thesis, we propose a simple and effective fault-tolerant routing methodology (referred to as Reachability Based Fault Tolerant Routing; RFTR), which can be applied to any topology. RFTR builds new alternative paths by joining subpaths extracted from the set of already computed paths, thus being time-efficient. In the last contribution, we focus on providing fault tolerance based on dynamic reconfiguration. We propose a simple and fast method for dynamic network reconfiguration, referred to as Epoch Based Reconfiguration (EBR). EBR guarantees a fast and deadlock-free reconfiguration, but instead of avoiding deadlocks our mechanism is based on regressive deadlock recoveries. EBR works in an asynchronous manner, does not require additional resources and can be applied on any topology. Most of the proposals made in this thesis are suitable (with no hardware modification) to be implemented on commercial network technologies (mainly IBA networks) currently used in clusters of PCs, and are able to tolerate dynamically a reasonable number of faults as long as the network remains physically connected.