Academic Entity Responsable: Department of Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Property of the Polytechnic University of Valencia. Title: “The visual language of the architecture, sculptural El Tajín archaeological zone as a World Heritage”. Author: Lorena Gertrudis Valle Chavarría Supervisors: Dra. Ma. Pilar Roig Picazo y Dr. José Martín Vivó Llobat Summary: The visual language is inderstood as an organization system of image through establishing formal elements of any work of art and cultura, shaping the thinking and world view. Such is the case of outstanding architecture, sculpture in ancient Mesoamerican city of “El Tajín”, recognized by the UNESCO in 1992 as a World Heritage Site. Through the visual language analysis of buildings representative case studies, is intended to provide greater knowledge and understanding about formal constants, composition, morphology, geometry, aesthetic cano, etc., in order to assist the iconographic and iconological interpretation, promoting its conservation and appropriate restoration. The thesis is structured in three parts: the first shows the social and religious historical context of Mesoamerica and then the north-central region of Veracruz in the Gulf of Mexido coast, where development of “El Tajín”. The second sets out the components of visual language and formal perception, using a methodology based on structural and formal analysis, using a line drawings of clarity of pictures, first studying the single formal units, and then the composition of morphology buildings case studies of “El Tajín”. The third and last part deals with the importance and permanence of the visual language characteristic of “El Tajin” in our days.