SUMMARY OF THE THESIS Once analysed the status quaestionis relative to Occupational Risk Prevention in the university educations, the result of the thesis comes to reveal, firstly, insufficient presence of Occupational Risk Prevention as main subject in the general guidelines of the official study programmes of degree elaborated by the Government of Spain, and second, the low level of implementation for such materials have reached the official teachings of degree and postgraduate courses are in Spanish universities. Practically the qualifications of engineering and inside these those of Technical Industrial Engineering are the only ones in which, Universities have introduced in the corresponding study plans subjects relative to Occupational Risk Prevention, well as obligatory subjects or as optional subjects. It is also remarkable the presence of these materials in the teaching of Graduate in Labour Relations and the incorporation, more recently, in studies of Graduates in science Labour, in Psychology and Graduate in Nursing, in all cases, generally with the consideration of optional subjects. Once set the objectives and purposes pursued by the thesis, the exposition is divided into six chapters, preceded by an introduction which states the problem, research and describes the methodology, design and development of the thesis, as well as the model used in the investigation. The first chapter begins by defining the theoretical framework of contextual reference for the purpose of locating the problem, "The Occupational Risk Prevention in the University", including the framework of the prevention of occupational risks in Spain and the European Union and also the regulatory framework of the Spanish education system, focusing especially on the university (their background and current situation), as well as the state of knowledge. In a second chapter, after an initial diagnosis, obtained from previous works by the author, presents the results of research conducted on the analysis of the study programmes of 69 qualifications of degree more directly related with Occupational Risk Prevention and the detailed study of 464 study programmes for the degrees in question. Including also postgraduate study programmes on it. The third chapter discusses the situation of "The Occupational Risk Prevention in engineering study programmes" that is, together with the prospective study developed in a specific section, the core of the thesis. Departing from the situation of the studies of engineering in Spain, it is contemplated both the historical evolution of these educations and his attributions and powers, to continue detailing for each one of the branches in which it has been considered included the current titles of Engineering (Architecture and building engineering, aerospace engineering, agricultural and forest engineering, civil engineering, engineering for industry, mining engineering, telecommunications engineering and marine and ocean engineering), its background, the current catalogue of titles in it, the professional activities performed by its graduates and the current situation that the integration of Occupational Risk Prevention in each of them and in their study plans presents, as well as their relationship with other related matters as quality and the environment. There is contemplated in addition the situation derived from the entry into force of the new regulation for the development of the study plans of the new degrees adapted to the European Space for Higher Education. In fourth chapter is proposed conducting a "prospective study", to analyze the grade of integration of the prevention of labour risk in engineering study plans, detailing and justifying the qualitative research model used, based on the Delphi technique adapted for use on-line. Finally in the fifth chapter is presented the "Analysis and the valuation of results", analyzing and valuing the obtained results, so much regarding the study plans considered like to the results obtained of the realized qualitative research. To conclude, in a last chapter of "Final considerations", exposing the results reached such as relative to the grade of fulfilment of the hypotheses raised to the beginning of the research and of the objectives pursued by it, as chapter and general conclusions obtained. Among the proposals being offered, and alternative solutions for future study plans, drawn up since the Royal Decree 1393/2007, of October 29, which provides management of the university official educations (BOE 30 October 2007), is regarded with a higher presence of Occupational Risk Prevention, offering the possibility of its integration as not only common materials, but also mandatory or optional, as regards cross in the subjects of technological content and / or of engineering directly or indirectly related to prevention. This is expected to contribute, in accordance with current regulations, to the necessary integration of this matter in the general system of management of the company. Finally, this chapter includes the strategies for action, the future lines of investigation and the already published works derived from the research during the development of the same one.