This thesis has been developed within a FEDER-CICYT project titled “The Change in the SME in the Society of the Information", and it grows up from previous researh, (González, 2001; Miñana, 2001; and Rodenes 2002) oriented to define instruments of measure of help to the self-diagnosis in three fields: the capacity of organizational learning (AO), the creation of value of the Information Technology IT, and critical factors of administration. This fourth research, besides approaching some integration of the different suitable models, and introducing some methodological and applicated variations, he/she incorporates a new field like it is the culture. In short, of grows up diverse culture models and especially of that of Hofstede (1999) to give place to a specific model adapted to our environment. This model, together to the other ones referred, it has allowed to analyze the direct and indirect effects on the results of the four factors, as well as the groupings with statistical significativity according to the approaches of the signal factors. It has been applied on two cooperative industries: Citríc Cooperatives and Rural Banks in the Comunidad Valenciana. They have been passed a specific questionnaire that has allowed to contrast the proposed models and outlined hypothesis.