This thesis addresses the parallelization of restarted Krylov methods for eigenproblems and singular value (SVD) problems. These methods are iterative in nature and are appropriate for finding a few eigenvalues or singular values from sparse problems. In this kind of methods, the part with the higher cost is the ortogonalization procedure. Therefore this procedure has received special attention in this thesis. New algorithms have been proposed and validated in order to improve its parallel performance. The implementation has been made in the framework provided by the SLEPc library. This library provides an object oriented interface for iterative eigensolvers or SVD solvers. SLEPc is based on PETSc, which provides parallel implementations of lineal solvers, preconditioners, sparse matrices and vectors. Both libraries are optimized for distributed memory parallel computers with very large sparse matrices. This implementation includes the following eigenvalue methods: explicitly restarted Arnoldi, explicitly restarted Lanczos (with semiorthogonal variants) and Krylov-Schur (equivalent to implicit restart) for non-Hermitian and Hermitian (also known as thick restart Lanczos) matrices. These methods share a common interface, which enables an easy comparison between them, feature that is not available in any other implementation. The same techniques employed for eigenproblems have been adapted to the SVD Golub-Kahan-Lanczos methods with explicit and thick restart, which have no previous implementation with message-passing parallelism. Each one of the methods has been validated through a battery of tests with matrices from a variety of applications. Parallel performance has been measured in cluster computers, showing good scalability even with a large number of processors, and obtaining competitive performance with current state of the art software.