The species apricot (P. armeniaca L.), originating in China and Central Asia, is cultivated mainly in Spain in Murcia and Valencia. The emergence and spread of the virus Shark has revealed the need for new varieties that have been defined resmoleculares useful in the selection in breeding programs: RFLPs (Restriction Fragment Length Polimorphism), RAPDs (Random Amplified DNA Polimorphic) and AFLPs (Amplified Fragment Length Polimorphism). They conducted a study of genetic diversity using 16 apricot varieties from France, Spain and Northern America, including resistant and susceptible to shark. Some of them are being used as parents in the program improvement IVIA. It has developed the first genomic map of the apricot species based on molecular markers RAPDs and AFLPs. Has studied the inheritance of resistance to a shark, and has established the hypothesis of inheritance based on 2 genes independientes.Con to obtain molecular markers linked to characters and male sterility in apricot self, used the technique of the Bulk Segregation Analysis (BSA) combined with type RAPD markers.