The study of models and strategies used in developed countries to integrate design into MSMEs (Micro, Small and Médium Enterprises) is important but not enough to apply in countries like Chile. The innovation process needed to integrate design into the strategic management of companies in the Valparaíso Region demands an adaptation of these models to their characteristics and circumstances. This thesis attempts to contribute making a critical analysis of the main european models to integrate design in companies management; Making a diagnosis of the state of art of Design integration in MSMEs companies of the Region of Valparaíso, Chile; and finally, as result of the comparison between the analyzed european models and the diagnosis of the companies of Valparaíso Región, proposal of general recommendations for design integration in those kind of companies. Both, diagnosis of design integration in manufacturing MSMEs of the region of Valparaíso, Chile, and the definition of the system of suggestions about design management integration in this kind of enterprises, was based on a compare analysis between the european models and the results of the field research done in Valparaíso in 2008. Three critical factors was identified for strategic management of design in MSMEs of the region of Valparaíso: i. The corporate strategic management for the MSMEs; ii. The knowledge of design CEO´s of the MSMEs have and the value they assign to it; and iii. The size of the manufacture MSMEs. Finally the research validates the basic hypothesis of this study that I expected to find in an industrial MSMEs low level of strategic management, a low level of integration of design and a low level of knowledge and appreciation of design, differ significantly in terms of its economic size.