This work is a study about Higher Education internationalization analyzed from the point of view of Universities and e-learning as a competitive strategic tool, proposing a construction process of such a strategy through the strategic analysis of the sector which, besides, pretends to identify options that will be the foundation for future studies about this sector of activity in the Higher Education scope. First of all, the context where the Higher Education institutions are living in is analysed. This environment is characterized by a clear trend to the internationalization and the European Higher Education Space is only an example. Then, because of the TIC are one of the drivers of this transforming process, it is described how Communication and Information Technologies (CIT) are introduced in all the aspects of the University activity (teaching, research and management) and its consequences, going through a deeper study about how CIT can be applied for teaching and learning. Afterwards, following the guidelines from flexible learning planning of the Australian National Training Authority, it is proposed a strategic analysis method for the e-learning sector in to Higher Education context which use allows to identify critical issues for the building of a competitive strategy in the Higher Education internationalized market, trying to establish the basis for further and future research and work in this area. To summarize, this work has tried to introduce a systematic analysis process useful when the Higher Education institutions want to elaborate their strategy and tactic plans related with on-line education.