SUMMARY Trophic ecology studies give basic and necessary information to understand the biological and ecological role that carries out fishes in ecosystems that they inhabit to establish protocols of management of their populations. In these studies the relationships between the species biology and physiology and their habitat, feedings habits, type of diet and biotic relations are established. This thesis contribute in a better knowledge of biology, phenology and feedings habits of five benthic fish's species of commercial interest in the Valencian littoral for which almost doesn't exist information. These fish's species are the red mullet (Mullus surmuletus), the Portuguese sole (Synaptura lusitanica), the red scorpionfish (Scorpaena scrofa), the stargazer (Uranoscopus scaber) and the common torpedo (Torpedo torpedo). This study also relates the importance of ecology and physiology of fishes with the incorporation of polluting substances like heavy metals and to know their accumulation patterns in different organs and tissues. The study area was the Cullera Bay (Spain), and the fish samples come from the artisan fishing landings. We carried out 30 samplings between July of 2004 and January of 2006 in order cover all the seasons. We obtained in whole 1102 fish of different heights, of five selected species. The biometric and morphological data of each species, allowed us to characterize the sample, to analyze its evolution across the time and to establish some biometric relations that helped us to explain aspects of the growth and nutritional and reproductive biology of each species. We found that those species are fished in the whole bay, of artisan form and with a trammel net, in a rank of depths between 6 and 20 meters, and throughout all the year. Their distribution and abundance are determined mainly by factors like the seasonal variation. Some species as S. scrofa and T. torpedo can display a segregation by sexes in their distribution pattern. With regard to the size in most of the species, 50% of the individuals have reached the sexual maturity before having a size of 25 cm. Over this size it is considered that the most of the individuals are adults and they have already had at least one reproduction, and below the 15 cm they are still youthful. Most of the species have their sexual maturity cycle and spawning in spring and early of the summer. These dates coincide with periods of recruitment of juvenile, moreover being in addition favourable for the accumulation of energetic corporal reserves. The stomachs of the fish of the selected species were examined for the study of the feeding habits and trophic dynamics. We determinate the vacuity index, weight of the stomach content, filling index or repletion index, and weight and average number of the preys by stomach. The trophic composition of the diet was studied by means of the numerical index, gravimetric index, and occurrence frequency of the preys and combined methods of analysis, besides making an evaluation of the food strategy of each species. Also, some morphological characters of the species, related to the feeding habits, were analyzed, as they are the length of the gut and the mouth area. Finally, within this section we studied the trophic relations between species, from the point of view of the dietary breadth, diversity of prey items ingested and dietary overlap, in order to determine the trophic level in each species. From the data of the diet analysis, we have verified that the fish have a greater feeding activity in favourable seasons. Also, the females seem to feed themselves more, probably by their physiological requirements for the reproduction. Moreover, the fishes of greater sizes usually have heavier stomach contents, because they have larger stomachs and bigger mouths. The dietary preference in the studied species were diverse, in such a way that M.surmuletus is fed on small but abundant preys, mainly Crustaceans (Brachyura and Amphipoda), and Polychaeta in smaller proportion, with a generalist feeding strategy. On the other hand, S. lusitanica fed almost exclusively on Polychaeta, consequently its strategy is clearly specialist. Of the three remaining species that based their feeding on fish, S. scrofa and T. torpedo displayed a specialist strategy and U. scaber a generalist one strategy. S. scrofa fed in abundant amounts of preys of average size, predominating fishes, crustaceans and molluscs. T. torpedo fed on preys of great size, and its diet is composed mainly by fishes, polychaetes and molluscs. Finally, U. scaber consumes preys of great size with a low number by stomach, based in fishes, crustaceans, molluscs and polichaetes. Of the five species, two species have trophic levels that correspond to omnivorous, with preference by animals (M. surmuletus and S. lusitanica), and three species to carnivorous, with the higher trophic levels, being important consumers of fishes (S. scrofa, U. scaber and T. torpedo). Finally, in some fishes belonging to the samplings of July of 2004 and March of 2005, was carried out an analysis of the content of heavy metals (Cd, Pb, Zn and Cu). Analysis of the sediments of the bay was carried out too. Related to the metal levels in fishes, we observe a general trend in which the smaller metal concentrations are found in the muscle, and the higher in the liver. When comparing among the different species, we did not find a defined trend of accumulation for any metal, in relation to the habitat or trophic level, neither with the age or size of the fish. From the factors of bioaccumulation we cannot say that some specie accumulates more. It is necessary to emphasize that the lead is the less accumulated, and the others are in similar proportions. Even when the feeding is one of the main routes of incorporation of metals in the fishes, doesn't exist evidences of biomagnification in some species of the study, neither in any of its organs or tissues.