To date, only metallic waveguide filters have been typically used commercially for microwave applications. These filters have very reduced insertion losses within their operating frequency band and their construction is considerably economic. On the other hand, metallic filters have significant drawbacks, especially when they are designed for satellite and other spatial applications, since their weight and size may often be too high, and due to the lack of atmosphere the Multipactor effect limits considerably the power that the filters can handle. New topologies of H-plane waveguide filters loaded with dielectric resonators significantly reduce the risk of Multipactor effect between the metallic surfaces, consequently the filter can handle more power without inducing a Multipactor breakdown. Moreover, the dielectric loaded filter weight and volume can be reduced to half of that of the metallic filters; they have more thermal stability in high power applications; and some topologies (i.e. evanescent mode filters) can improve substantially the out-of-band rejection performance. The general objective of this Thesis is to develop an analysis tool for the simulation of these topologies. The strategy followed for the analysis consists on dividing the device in simpler building blocks: empty waveguides, steps and sections of waveguide loaded with the dielectric or metallic posts. The generalized scattering matrix (GSM) of each block is obtained by the adequate analysis method, and then all the matrices are connected by a new and efficient iterative technique that provides the global GSM of the whole filter. The analysis of the empty waveguides and the steps is well known from the bibliografy, so the Thesis is focused on the analysis of the sections loaded with the dielectric or metallic posts, and a new accurate and efficient technique for the analysis of H-plane circular rods in rectangular waveguides is developed. The method is based on a mode matching procedure that matches open space and guided waves along a circular boundary that encloses the non-canonical geometries. Since the field around the obstacles is expanded using open space cylindrical modes, a full analytical (and highly efficient) solution can be obtained for dielectric or metallic circular posts. This technique can be easily extended to arbitrary geometries of the H-plane obstacles, though a numerical method should be used to characterize the obstacle in terms of cylindrical modes and the efficiency would be significantly reduced. These innovative techniques have been used in the analysis and design of several new H-plane filters presented in this Thesis with different topologies, involving single centered and off centered posts, as well as double post geometries. The performance of these filters in terms of frequency response, out of band rejection and power handling without risk of Multipactor has been evaluated through the analysis and, sometimes, measurements of the manufactured filters.