ABSTRACT DOCTORAL THESIS OF MARC GARDELLA IN ENGLISH The doctoral thesis that happens to us, shows the basic assumptions of the research on the introduction of preventive and predictive maintenance industries process, thanks to the development and customization of the RCM of the AMFEC methodology. The RCM, methodology used to determine maintenance activities reactive and proactive in order to optimize the reliability of the industrial assets. The background of the doctoral thesis says that the methodology RCM, serves to identify the reactive and proactive, peacekeeping activities in order to optimize the reliability of industrial assets. It is based on the work of John Moubray, where the introduction of RCM is based on seven questions. Methods of calculation of criticalities currently reflected in current study denote the opportunity to develop methods of calculation where many variables are taken into account. Risk (NPR) for each mode of failure, weighting number comes severity, frequency of failures and discoverability be calculated based on three parameters, being usually rated from 1 to 10, but invariant to variations of technical parameters and operation. Maintenance plans but well defined by the work of experts, develop depending on types of equipment, types of maintenance and criticality of NPR failure modes in sight. Studies of management, indicators are spacious and very well developed, although for the detection of repetition of incidents in the corrective maintenance, requiring a definition or development. The main objective of this study is to assist the implementation of a method of technical and economic management of assets, based on the current implementation of RCM, Preventive Maintenance and management indicators and define a method to implement preventive and predictive maintenance, control incidents, costs, and implement technical solutions; thus, optimizing the management of maintenance in process industries . The doctoral thesis aims to define the RCM according to John Moubray; methodology definition of a protocol for the implementation of the improvements made to the RCM the AMFEC and preventive maintenance methodology and predictive; structure study by groups of systems and systems assets or computers; develop comprehensive methods of calculation of criticalities, systematize the modes to facilitate AMFEC bug database's; develop a system of assessment of the risk of failure (NPR) mode specifically for computer and also variables depending on changes in technical variables and operational typologies; designing measuring frequency bug by typologies of equipment systems facilitate the design plan preventive maintenance interventions, types of equipment and frequencies of performance; and two new indicators management, number of incidents and costs associated to control repetition of his appearance in assets of industries of corrective maintenance processes definition. The methodology adopted in this study is based on the analysis of parts that encompass the RCM; method as well as, maintenance, preventive maintenance planning and management indicators. Each of these parties, and in particular more relevant parts of the RCM, calculation criticalities, failures and NPR; modes have been used to implement a system of asset management, achieving successful results, but denoting opportunities for improvement in each of these parts. This is when improvements in each of these parts have been developed and integrated forming the present thesis. In addition, to facilitate understanding of the improvements made, for each development examples with real case studies from the process industry. A detailed example AMFEC application and making a group matrix motor-pump current methodology RCM has shown. Set a protocol on a diagram, on the integration of both improvements to RCM, such as preventive maintenance and management, indicators and a feedback protocol adjusting what it should be if the results are improved. Set a way of structuring assets by groups of systems, showing an example with 11 levels, to facilitate the implantation of contributed improvements in industrial sectors, geographical areas, types of processes, types of equipment and supplies, and thereby have a clear identity study asset when you begin to implement improvements. It designed three methods of calculation of criticalities, one depending on legal issues and results to take into account aspects governing a company industrial, but results of criticality catalogued as qualitative critical facilities, good points. Other according to operational aspects and impact levels emphasizing the importance of the impact on safety, environmental protection, production and maintenance. The third and last is according to characteristics of the equipment, where countless variables technical, legal, economic, productive, etc., which have interaction with assets of study, and this method which results in more reliable since it can be weighted vary the number of variables used depending on complexity of facilities study and accuracy in the result to be obtained. It defined database failures on three levels, modes for 4 types of equipment rotary machines, deposits, exchange of heat and valves. Completed a study in-depth the NPR with different definitions of severity and frequency of faults; as well as, developed two ways of assessing the NPR macroscopic and microscopic, and show how varies the NPR depending on changes in technical variables and operation. Different weighting parameters and ranges of NPR, serve to differentiate its valuation according to types of computers. Set the types of equipment, maintenance and criticality of NPR, strategic maintenance plan showing frequencies of peacekeeping intervention. Checking information plan routes frequency areas or industrial plants and the economic valuation of each maintenance activity has been calculating each path of preventive maintenance by frequency, areas or zones and types of equipment. This indicates a way of achieving results for comparison with the assigned maintenance budgets. Defining number of occurrence of a same incidence and associated cost indicator, could be performed box control incidents and the corrective maintenance costs. A case study real industry processes, types of equipment has been bombs and reactors. Also set a form of the organization information in industry processes, with multiple diagrams and schemes, to finish in the technical solution that closes the cycle. Conclusions set the RCM, preventive maintenance and predictive philosophy and management, indicators were found development needs of some of its parts. If provision of preventive and predictive maintenance in the matrix of decisions generally to the asset, it reduces the time to study, but is not as reliable as NPR by crash mode is the objective of this part of the RCM. Define a protocol implementation of improvements to the RCM method helps to visualize as it wants to work step by step, to achieve the desired results. It structuring assets in groups of systems, and systems defining similar characteristics, makes it easy to deploy more adequately RCM. The method of calculation of criticality by weighting features is more flexible and adaptable to any industrial environment, where can be used from a few tens of variables until some tens of thousands, as we want more or less precision; an example of this is a carpenter or a nuclear industry machinery criticality. AMFEC databases and the exhaustive study of NPR, bring improvements of considerable value to the RCM, methodology since apart from facilitating AMFEC clothing's, given variation of parameters in assets of process industries. The structuring of the activities of preventive and predictive maintenance plan strategic maintenance, the subsequent definition of routes and the calculation of costs associated with them, is a way to control the exploitation of the maintenance of an industrial environment with rigor. The definition of indicators to measure the repetition of incidents and their associated costs, facilitate observation teams with great presence in industry processes, economic and technical problems such as pumps and reactors. 1