[EN] In Spain there are around 70.000 reservoirs. According to current legislation, users and administrations are obligated to classify them based on the potential risk in the event of a rupture, if they have more than ...
[EN] Numerous studies have examined the complex relationship between factors like embankment downspout spacing, height, slope, and rainfall characteristics in the quest to find the best spacing for embankment downspouts. ...
[EN] The pond-breack of the mining tails of the Aznalcóllar complex that occurred on April 25, 1998 was an unprecedented catastrophe. Millions of cubic meters of a complex fluid flooded the riverbeds and riverbanks of the ...
Sanz-Ramos, Marcos; Bladé, Ernest; Sánchez-Juny, Martí(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023-10-31)
[EN] The numerical modeling of non-Newtonian fluids (such as mining tailings, snow avalanches, etc.) requires the consideration of specific rheological models to calculate shear stress. The Voellmy friction model is one ...
Sanz-Ramos, M.; Bladé, E.; Torralba, A.; Oller, P.(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2020-01-31)
[ES] La creciente preocupación por los riesgos naturales, como las avalanchas de nieve, ha propiciado el desarrollo de modelos numéricos ad hoc como una herramienta de soporte para su análisis y evaluación. Los modelos ...
[EN] The hydrodynamic analysis of the Amaluza reservoir, located in southern Ecuador, using DELFT3D is presented. Bathymetric information has been available at 30 cross-sections along the reservoir, recorded periodically ...
Sanz-Ramos, M.; Bladé, E.; Escolano, E.(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2020-07-31)
[ES] La legislación española actual exige que en los estudios de inundabilidad se delimite la Zona de Flujo Preferente (ZFP), compuesta por envolvente de la Zona de Inundación Peligrosa (ZIP) y la Vía de Intenso Desagüe ...
[EN] Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) are a valid alternative to solve several urban drainage problems. Its application, generally isolated, is limited and may not be effective in solving the foreseeable increase ...