CHILTON, John(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2009-11-25)
The first Congress of the International Association of Shell Structures (now IASS), held in
Madrid in 1959, was the occasion when Heinz Isler's innovative methods for determining
the shape and constructing reinforced ...
SMITH, Brian(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2009-11-25)
Up to the 1970s there were no recognized design procedures for the analysis and design of guyed masts. This was recognized in the industry in the early 1960s, when there was a rapid growth of these structures to accommodate ...
DA PORTO, Francesca; VALLUZZI, Maria Rosa; STIEVANIN, Elena; MODENA, Claudio(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2009-12-18)
In this contribution two examples of buildings constructed using composite masonryconcrete are illustrated: the Civic Theatre in Schio (Vicenza, Italy) and the Carraresi's Castle in Padua (Italy). Their reinforced concrete ...
In this 21st century, we are faced with the issue how we use materials of the earth
ecologically. We, researchers, designers and engineers in architectural circles, always run after the possibilities of architectures that ...
SANCHEZ, Javier; SAVALL, Joan(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2009-11-26)
The aim of this paper is to introduce the use of haptic technologies in the design of tensile
membranes structures. In the last years, haptic devices have become very popular and have been used in many applied fields as ...
TEIXIDOR, Carles(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2010-01-26)
The Berkeley hotel in Knightsbridge, London, is scheduled to be under refurbishment in the near future. As part of the works, it is planned to build a new entrance canopy / glass
pavillion designed by Rogers Stirk Harbour ...
GONZALEZ QUELLE, Iago(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2009-11-26)
Cable roofs have been built over the last 60 years. They have a big attractive from aesthetic, technical, and even environmental aspects (to build with the minimum amount of material).
The objective of the article is to ...
VAN BUELOW, Peter(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2009-12-18)
The use of parametric software such as Generative Components (Bentley Systems),
Grasshopper (Robert NcNeel), Digital Project (Gehry Technologies - Dassault Systemes)
and others, has revealed an ever larger variety of ...
A new method of computational morphogenesis for the shell structures with free curved
surface is proposed, where not only the shape of shell surface but also the topology of the curved surface can be obtained at the same ...
Actual trends in numerical shape optimal design of structures deal with handling of very
large dimensions of design space. The goal is to allowing as much design freedom as
possible while considerably reducing the modelling ...
A lot of research has been carried out in the relation of structural optimisation and form
finding processes of architectural and engineering building projects and only recently the
consideration of other performance ...
BORGART, Andrew; TIGGELER, Lonneke(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2010-01-14)
The purpose of this research is to analyze the structural behaviour of shell structures by
studying the way (applied) loads naturally flow through shell structures to their supports
and relating this flow off forces to ...
SAMARTIN, Avelino; ABEL, John F.(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2009-11-25)
This paper is a preliminary version of Chapter 3 of a State-of-the-Art Report by the IASS
Working Group 5: Concrete Shell Roofs. The intention of this chapter is to set forth for
those who intend to design concrete shell ...
MUNGAN, Ihsan(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2009-11-25)
Author's own experimental and theoretical researches on buckling of shells of revolution
are summarized with special emphasis on the conceptual approach behind them. Effect of the biaxial stress states is depicted in form ...
MIHAILESCU, Mircea; SUNDARAM, R.(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2009-11-25)
Concrete shells are moldable to any shape and can be made aesthetically beautiful. This
paper discusses the suitability of various methods of concrete shell roof construction,
necessary precautions and quality guidelines. ...
DE TEMMERMAN, Niels; MOLLAERT, Marijke; DE LAET, Lars; VAN MELE, Tom; GULDENTOPS, Laurent; HENROTAY, Caroline; DEBACKER, Wim; PADUART, Anne; HENDRICKX, Hendrik; DE WILDE, Patrick(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2009-11-26)
Proposed here is a concept for a deployable mast with angulated scissor units, for use in
adaptable temporary architectural constructions. The adaptable structure serves as a tower or truss-like mast for a temporary tensile ...
PRONK, Arno; VAN ROOY, Ivo; SCHINKEL, Pieter(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2010-01-26)
Since Leonardo da Vinci came with his idea for an adjustable mould to make threedimensional curved surfaces people have been searching for a tool like that. This paper gives first the different moulding techniques that ...
This paper is intended as an investigation of the seismic response behavior of cylindrical
lattice shell structures by shaking table tests. The seismic vibration tests are carried out using small scale models with shell ...
ARUN, Görün(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2009-12-18)
Development of the construction technique and necessity for multi-storey buildings,
massive concrete and cement arme technique using cement with iron rods and brick during last part of 19th century is followed by ...
ABEDI, Karim; SHEKASTEHBAND, Behzad(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2009-11-19)
Tensegrity systems are statically and kinematically indeterminate systems. It may be
mistakenly believed that this inherent redundancy provides a large measure of safety
against collapse. However, a number of members are ...