García-Oliver, José M; Novella Rosa, Ricardo; Micó, Carlos; Khalid, Usama Bin(Elsevier, 2022-06-14)
[EN] The reduction of the carbon footprint of internal combustion engines and the pollutant emissions is mandatory
for the survival of this technology. In this sense, e-fuels are considered as a potential pathway to achieve ...
Pastor Soriano, José Vicente; García Oliver, José María; García Martínez, Antonio; Micó Reche, Carlos; Durret, R.(Elsevier, 2013-04)
Nowadays many research efforts are focused on the study and development of new combustion modes, mainly based on the use of locally lean air–fuel mixtures. This characteristic, combined with exhaust gas recirculation, ...
Pastor, José V.; Micó, Carlos; De Vargas Lewiski, Felipe; Tejada-Magraner, Francisco José; Tornatore, Cinzia(MDPI AG, 2023-07)
[EN] Synthetic fuels significantly reduce pollutant emissions and the carbon footprint of ICE applications. Among these fuels, oxymethylene dimethyl ethers (OMEX) are an excellent candidate to entirely or partially replace ...
García Martínez, Antonio; Micó, Carlos; Marco-Gimeno, Javier; Bernal, Andrés(Elsevier, 2024-11-15)
[EN] High-Fidelity numerical simulations of the Thermal Runaway (TR) phenomenon on lithium-ion batteries (LIB) depict stiff system of equations that need to be solved with extremely low time-steps to ensure numerical ...
Calbo Domene, Álex(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023-10-26)
[ES] El siguiente trabajo tiene como objetivo actualizar el banco de ensayo de prácticas del Departamento de Máquinas y Motores Térmicos para replicar un sistema de propulsión híbrido (motor térmico + motor eléctrico), ...
Pastor, José V.; García-Oliver, José M; García Martínez, Antonio; Zhong, Wenjun; Micó Reche, Carlos; Xuan, Tiemin(SAE International, 2017)
[EN] Visualization of single-hole nozzles into quiescent ambient has been used extensively in the literature to characterize spray mixing and combustion. However in-cylinder flow may have some meaningful impact on the spray ...
Pastor, José V.; García-Oliver, José M; Micó, Carlos; Garcia-Carrero, Alba Andreina(SAGE Publications, 2021)
[EN] The decarbonization process of the automotive industry and the road transport sector has raised the interest on the development of cleaner fuels. A proper characterization of their properties and behavior under different ...
Corral-Gómez, Lis; Armas, Octavio; Soriano, José A.; Pastor, José V.; García-Oliver, José M; Micó, Carlos(MDPI AG, 2022-07)
[EN] This work describes an experimental installation for the investigation of the combustion and injection processes. This installation is based on a two-stroke direct injection diesel engine with a total displacement of ...
Pastor, José V.; García Martínez, Antonio; Mico Reche, Carlos; De Vargas Lewiski, Felipe(Elsevier, 2020-02-15)
[EN] Synthetic fuels (E-fuels) have shown to be an interesting alternative to replace the fossil diesel fuel due to its CO2 reduction potential as well as for their capability to diminish the soot production and therefore ...
Cumplido Otero, Marcos(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2022-09-29)
[ES] En este proyecto se plantea la adecuación de las instalaciones de un hogar de cara a optimizar su gasto energético, emisiones y generación de residuos con un enfoque basado en sostenibilidad ambiental.
Así, dentro ...
Pastor Soriano, José Vicente; García Oliver, José María; García Martínez, Antonio; Micó Reche, Carlos; Möller, Sebastian(Elsevier, 2016-02)
The present work pursues a twofold objective. On the one hand, the effect of fuel properties on soot formation has been analysed, under different engine operating conditions. On the other hand, sensitivity and performance ...
Pastor Soriano, José Vicente; García Oliver, José María; López, J. Javier; Micó Reche, Carlos(Elsevier, 2016-09-01)
Light Absorption and Scattering technique (LAS) has been applied for the measurement of fuel vapour distribution
in diesel-type sprays. This technique is usually limited to fuels with relatively high absorptivity,
which ...
Llorens Picó, Antonio(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2020-12-30)
[ES] El presente trabajo abordar el estudio y diseño del sistema de climatización unas nuevas oficinas proyectadas en una planta industrial de Ibi. Éste incluye un análisis del emplazamiento de la obra, las características ...
Pellicer Cloquell, Joan(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2020-11-13)
[ES] La mejora de prestaciones y eficiencia de Motores de combustión interna alternativos se puede alcanzar de muy diversas formas. La mayoría de ellas se orientan a modificar el proceso de combustión original o las ...
Pastor, José V.; García-Oliver, José M.; Micó, Carlos; Tejada, Francisco J.(Elsevier, 2023-02-15)
[EN] Synthetic fuels will play a major role on the reduction of pollutant emissions and carbon footprint of ICE engines.
The use of renewable energy and CO2 for its production maps out a promising route to achieve ICE ...
Pastor, José V.; García-Oliver, José M; García Martínez, Antonio; Mico Reche, Carlos(Elsevier, 2020-10-20)
[EN] The use of alternative fuels in compression ignition engines, either completely or partially replacing the conventional ones, have potential to reduce pollutant emissions (especially soot). However, some of these fuels ...
Pastor Soriano, José Vicente; García Oliver, José María; Micó Reche, Carlos; Tejada Magraner, Francisco José(SAE International, 2020-09-24)
[EN] A comparison of the flame structure for two different fuels, dodecane and oxymethylene dimethyl ether (OMEX), has been performed under condition of Spray A of the Engine Combustion Network (ECN). The experiments were ...
Elkourchi, Imad(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024-10-24)
[ES] Las celdas de iones de litio requieren una gestión térmica adecuada para lograr un rendimiento óptimo garantizando una temperatura de trabajo idónea, a la vez que mantener la seguridad previniendo un posible descontrol ...
La Termodinámica es la ciencia fundamental en la que se basan numerosas aplicaciones industriales. Este libro presenta la Termodinámica desde un punto de vista aplicado, apoyándose en la resolución de una selección de ...
López de la Torre, Manuel(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023-07-24)
[ES] Los sistemas de regeneración de energía en vehículos han ayudado a la mejora en eficiencia y han
logrado incrementar la potencia y el par de los motores actuales.
La Fórmula 1 siempre ha estado en la vanguardia en ...