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Engineering Structures
Volume 108, February 01, 2016, Pages 12-27
A 3D finite element model for ...
Terradez Marco, Juan Luis; Hospitaler Pérez, Antonio(Universidad Politecnica de Madrid - University Library, 2020)
[EN] Often engineers solve problems in relationship with structures and foundations from the point of view of structural
statics. Nothing so far of the reality when finally, on the structure or the foundation, is installed ...
[EN] Non-uniform heating in structures under fire involves the appearance of 3D-phenomena and typically requires the use of complex models built with finite elements shell or solid. Although different procedures have been ...
[EN] This paper examines the economic optimization of reinforced concrete road frame bridges by threshold acceptance. The formulation of the problem includes 50 discrete variables: three geometrical ones, three types of ...
[EN] This paper presents a parametric study of reinforced concrete bridge tall piers with hollow, rectangular sections. Such piers are typically used in railway construction of prestressed concrete viaducts.Twenty one ...
[EN] Concrete exposed to fire can experience spalling when the pore pressure increases due to water evaporation resulting in damage to part of the concrete cross-section which causes the loss of the initial cross-sectional ...
Espinós Capilla, Ana; Romero García, Manuel Luis; Hospitaler Pérez, Antonio; Pascual Pastor, Ana María; Albero Gabarda, Vicente(Elsevier, 2015)
[EN] The advantages of concrete-filled steel tubular (CFST) columns are well known at room and elevated temperatures, however, beyond a certain slenderness their load-bearing capacity starts to decrease. Besides, blind-bolts ...
Espinós Capilla, Ana; Romero, Manuel L.; Hospitaler Pérez, Antonio(Elsevier, 2010-08)
In this work, a nonlinear finite element three-dimensional model is presented and validated in order to study the behaviour of axially loaded concrete filled tubular (CFT) columns with circular cross-section exposed to ...
Jaén Gómez, Pedro Ildefonso(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2016-01-07)
[EN] The Facilities Layout Problem in a industrial plant (FLP) pursues the good ordenation of the integrating elements (that in this work they will call themselves facilities, understan-ding those elements of the production ...
Espinós Capilla, Ana; Romero, Manuel L.; Portolés Flag, Jose Manuel; Hospitaler Pérez, Antonio(Elsevier, 2014-09)
This paper presents the results of an experimental program carried out on slender elliptical hollow section columns filled with concrete. Given the reduced number of experimental results found in the literature on concrete ...
Bridge fires are a major concern because of the consequences that these kind of events have and because they are a real threat. However, bridge fire response is under researched and not covered in the codes. This paper ...
[EN] Conservation of built heritage, at present, is a major task and a great challenge because it requires adapting the performance of existing buildings to current code requirements, when very often these were built before ...
García Castillo, Ester(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2025-07-30)
[ES] Los edificios históricos tienen un gran valor arquitectónico y cultural y son un bien muy preciado de nuestra civilización. Por ello, no es de extrañar que se hagan grandes esfuerzos para conservarlos. Sin embargo, a ...
This paper studies bridge fires by using numerical models to analyze the response of a typical girder bridge to tanker truck fires. It explains the influence of fire position, bridge configuration (vertical clearance, ...
Alós Moya, José(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019-12-21)
[ES] El diseño de puentes, a diferencia de lo que ocurre con el diseño de edificios o con el diseño de túneles ha dejado de lado la consideración de la acción del fuego hasta la fecha. Este vacío normativo, combinado con ...
González Torres, Camilo Andrés(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2018-04-12)
El presente trabajo final de máster consiste en el análisis de la importancia de la ductilidad en el diseño estructural sísmico de un proyecto típico de estructuras con un sistema de pórticos en hormigón armado, tomando ...
MOLINER BESALDUCH, VICENTE(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2014-02-04)
En los últimos tiempos, el empleo de perfiles tubulares de acero rellenos de
hormigón ha experimentado un notable incremento debido a su buen
comportamiento, por una parte, estructural, al combinar el efecto del hormigón ...
Ortega Latorre, Javier(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2015-07-27)
[EN] This Master's Thesis aims to address the behaviors of hollow core precast concrete made with different
reinforcement arrangement, although similar mechanical level and ultimate bending moment at room
temperature, ...
Centelles Chuliá, Vicente(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2015-05-12)
[ES] Estudio del proceso. Balance de masas y energía. Determinación de caudales de fluidos y predimensionado de ventiladores y bombas.
Determinación de maquinas, accesorios y elementos de control.
Estudio de la ...
Sifón Miralles, Manuel(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017-01-19)
[EN] The purpose of this work is to verify the performance level of various reinforced concrete frames under European legislation EC2-EC8. The analysis method is the CSM (capacity spectrum method), which is a nonlinear ...