Chias Navarro, Pilar(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017-03-28)
[EN] Along the Kingdom of the Minor Habsburgs, the wide shadow of King Philip II started its fading, together with the influences of both his panegyrists and the former iconography of the Monastery. They were essential ...
Chias Navarro, Pilar(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2022-03-24)
[EN] Fernando Chueca's architectural work covers a wide period from 1936 to 2004. During this time, he got involved in architectural and urban projects, and developed a wide range of activities related to cultural heritage ...
Chias Navarro, Pilar(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2014-05-15)
[EN] The Flemish influence on the ambitious building program of King Philip II of Spain focused the interest of some reseachers. But the inheritance from the Emperor Charles V and his predecessors of the Crown of of Castile ...
Chias Navarro, Pilar(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2011)
[EN] The main European naval powers showed a great interest about the recently discovered territories of North America, due to their strategic position in order to plan the future wars and settlements. Their cartographers ...
Chias Navarro, Pilar(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2010)
[EN] The usual sources of information at a local scale of
the American territories conquered by the Spanish
Crown during the 16th and 17th centuries are the Relaciones
Geográficas, as well as the charts, the projects
of ...
Chias Navarro, Pilar(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2016-09-29)
[EN] The Royal Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial focused the interest along more than four centuries as an outstandig Spanish monument. This interest produced an interesting set of images and texts, that still are ...
Chias Navarro, Pilar(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2018-11-27)
[EN] Urban and architectural drawings, together with cartography and landscape representation, can be considered upon a wide scope. Over the centuries, maps, plans, views and sketches have shaped a graphic corpus with its ...
Chías Navarro, Pilar; Navarro Esteve, Pablo(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019-04-08)
[EN] Among the outstanding work of the ephemeral Royal Chalcographic Bureau (Calcografía Real) is a wonderful series of twelve engravings depicting exterior and interior views of the Monastery of El Escorial. The drawings ...
Chias Navarro, Pilar; Sender Contell, Marina(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2015-10-27)
[EN] Study of the monastic architecture of the Order of Saint Jerome or Hieronymites shows architectural ensembles which are either very deteriorated or in ruins, as in the case of the Monastery of Santa María de la Murta. ...
Linares García, Fernando; Perea Ortega, Andrés; Papa, Lia M.; Chías Navarro, Pilar; Franco Taboada, José Antonio; López Bragado, Daniel; Miguel Sánchez, Manuel de; Villanueva Bartrina, Lluis(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017-03-28)
Cardine, Vito. Gaspard Monge, padre dell’ingegnere contemporaneo (Por Antonio Álvaro Tordesillas) pp.4.-- Docci, Mario y Chiavoni, Emanuela . Saper leggere l’architettura (por Carlos Montes Serrano) pp.4-6.-- Goitia, Aitor. ...
Montes Serrano, Carlos; López Bragado, Daniel; Carazo Lefort, Eduardo; Agustin Hernandez, Luis; Docci, Mario; Moral García, Álvaro; Parrinello, Sandro; Barba, Salvatore; Chias Navarro, Pilar; Gentil Baldrich, Jose Maria(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019-07-22)
100 edificios del siglo xx. The Now Institute (Por Carlos Montes Serrano) pp. 4-5.-- Báez Mezquita, Juan Manuel. Miradas (2010-2019) (Por Daniel López Bragado) pp.5-6.-- Paisajes expositivos. De Coca Leicher, José. El ...
Stutterhem, Kerstin y Bolbrinker, Niles. Bauhaus. El Mito de la Modernidad (Por Amadeo Ramos Carranza) pp.4-5.-- Ruiz Padrón, Luis. Cuaderno de la Alhambra (Por Antonio Gámiz Gordo) pp.5-6.-- Miguel Trallero Sanz, Antonio. ...
García, Ángela; Juan Vidal, Francisco; Llopis Verdú, Jorge; Giordano, Andrea; Sancho Mir, Miguel; Molina Siles, Pedro Javier; Chias Navarro, Pilar; Crespo Fajardo, José Luis; Fernández Morales, Angélica; Amado Lorenzo, Antonio(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019-04-08)
Serra Lluch, Juan. Color for Architects (Por Ángela García) pp.4.-- Gaiani, Marco. Nettuno. La fontana: studio, progetto, restauro (Por Francisco Juan Vidal) pp.4-5.-- Rodríguez Navarro, Pablo. Las Torres Árabes de las ...