[EN] The EU Regulation No 517/2014 is going to phase-out most of the refrigerants commonly used in refrigeration and air conditioning systems (R134a, R404A and R410A) because of their extended use and their high GWP values. ...
In this paper, the influence of different mean void fraction correlations on a shell-and-tube evaporator dynamic model performance has been evaluated. The model proposed is based on the moving boundary approach and includes ...
Mendoza Miranda, Juan Manuel; Navarro Esbri, Joaquin; Mota Babiloni, Adrián; Belman Flores, Juan Manuel; Rubio Arana, José Cuauhtémoc; Peris Pérez, Bernardo; Molés Ribera, Francisco(Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), 2013-10)
[EN] This paper presents a theoretical performance of R1234yf and R152a as possible replacements of
R134a in refrigeration systems. The refrigeration system performance using R134a, R1234yf and R152a was
carried out for ...
An ORC (organic Rankine cycle) module, designed and built for a specific CHP (combined heat and power)) application, is tested in this paper. The aim of the work is to characterize the system performance in the operating ...
R1234yf and R1234ze(E) have been proposed as alternatives for R134a in order to work with low GWP refrigerants, but this replacement results generally in a decrease of the performance.
For this reason, it is interesting ...