[EN] In this paper we propose and validate a trading rule based on flag pattern recognition, incorporating im- portant innovations with respect to the previous research. Firstly, we propose a dynamic window scheme that ...
[EN] We provide a sufficient condition for an operator T on a non-metrizable and sequentially
separable topological vector space X to be sequentially hypercyclic. This condition is
applied to some particular examples, ...
Cabrera Orellana, Linda Jazmín(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2018-10-23)
El objetivo fundamental del trabajo es analizar distintos aspectos de relevancia en trading de mercados financieros, fundamentalmente la detección de patrones de tendencia, mediante herramientas de tratamiento de señales. ...
[EN] The problem of the bar breakage diagnosis in electrical induction cage machines is a matter of increasing concern nowadays, due to the widely spread use of these machines in the industry. The classical approach, focused ...
Soriano Valera, Adrian(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019-01-24)
[EN] Ephemeral architecture must gather a series of constructive and architectural conditions that can be reached by the reciprocal structures, which are the main thematic axis of the bachelor thesis. This family of ...
Peris Manguillot, Alfredo(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2009-06-29)
Aquesta presentació preten ser una introducció als conceptes i resultats bàsics en canvi de variables aplicats a integració de superficie (polars, cilíndriques, esfèriques, etc.).
Méndez Gómez, Héctor Bryan(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019-07-30)
[ES] Un sistema dinámico discreto está formado por una aplicación continua f:X->X definida en un espacio métrico (X,d). El objetivo general de la dinámica discreta es el estudio de las órbitas de cada punto de X. Hay una ...
[EN] We study several notions of boundedness for operators. It is known that any power bounded operator is absolutely Cesaro bounded and strongly Kreiss bounded (in particular, uniformly Kreiss bounded). The converses do ...
Aroza Benlloch, Javier(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2011-09-28)
n this work we will study the chaotic behaviour of infinite dimensional linear systems on Banach spaces, specially we will study the solutionstrongly continuous semigroups of operators of these systems. We will focus on ...
[EN] We characterize chaos for \phi;(B) on Banach sequence spaces, where \phi; is a Linear Fractional Transformation and B is the usual backward shift operator. Characterizations are computable since they involve only the ...
[EN] Chaotic properties in the dynamics of Toeplitz operators on the Hardy-Hilbert space H-2(D) are studied. Based on previous results of Shkarin and Baranov and Lishanskii, a characterization of different versions of chaos ...
Martínez Jiménez, Félix; Peris Manguillot, Alfredo; Ródenas Escribá, Francisco De Asís(MDPI AG, 2021-11)
[EN] Given a continuous map f : X -> X on a metric space, it induces the maps f over bar :K(X) -> K(X), on the hyperspace of nonempty compact subspaces of X, and (f) over cap :F(X) -> F(X), on the space of normal fuzzy ...
Conejero, J. Alberto; Martínez Jiménez, Félix; Peris Manguillot, Alfredo; Ródenas Escribá, Francisco de Asís(Springer-Verlag, 2016)
[EN] The phenomenon of chaos has been exhibited in mathematical nonlinear models that describe traffic flows, see, for instance (Li and Gao in Modern Phys Lett B 18(26-27):1395-1402, 2004; Li in Phys. D Nonlinear Phenom ...
In this paper, we will study the chaotic behaviour, in the sense of Devaney, of infinite-dimensional linear systems on Banach spaces, especially we will study the solution C 0-semigroups of operators of these systems. We ...
We study hypercyclicity, Devaney chaos, topological mixing
properties and strong mixing in the measure-theoretic sense for operators
on topological vector spaces with invariant sets. More precisely, our
purpose is to ...
López Martínez, Antoni(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023-09-07)
[ES] La tesis "Teoría Combinatoria de Números, Recurrencia de Operadores y Dinámica Lineal" se sitúa dentro del estudio de la dinámica de operadores lineales, o Dinámica Lineal. El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar ...
Murillo Arcila, Marina(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2012-05-10)
Se estudia el comportamiento caótico en compactos invariantes para operadores lineales. Se dan algunos resultados que permiten obtener este tipo de operadores y se proporcionan algunos ejemplos concretos. Se recopilan ...
Pérez Pérez, Pedro Antonio(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2013-03-10)
[ES] En este trabajo se estudia la dinámica de algunos métodos iterativos empleados para resolver ecuaciones no lineales. Se describirán a detalle algunas características de las funciones racionales obtenidas al aplicar ...
Galán Céspedes, Víctor José(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2015-12-18)
[EN] A continuous and linear operator defined on a Banach space is hipercyclic if it supports a dense orbit, that is, if there exists a vector such that the set of all its iterations through the operator is dense in the ...