Ferrando, J. C.; López Pellicer, Manuel(National Library of Serbia, 2020)
[EN] Let X be a Tychonoff space. We survey some classic and recent results that characterize the topology or cardinality of X when C-p (X) or C-k (X) is covered by certain families of sets (sequences, resolutions, ...
[EN] While the classic separable quotient problem remains open, we survey general results related to this problem and examine the existence of infinite-dimensional separable quotients in some Banach spaces of vector-valued ...
Using the index of Nagami we get new topological cardinal inequalities for spaces Cp(X).
A particular case of Theorem 1 states that if L ⊆ Cp(X) is a Lindelöf Σ-space and the
Nagami index Nag(X) of X is less or equal ...