Navarro Gisbert, Yolanda(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2015-05-19)
[ES] El Parque Natural de la Albufera constituye uno de los ecosistemas húmedos más
importantes de la Comunidad Valenciana y de la cuenca mediterránea. Cuenta con
una superficie de 21.120 hectáreas, está situado a 10 Km ...
Sapena, Marta; Ruiz, Luis(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017-10-23)
[EN] The growing number of people living in urban areas implies the need for more sustainable landscape management. The
analysis and monitorization of urban areas allows for the quantification and characterization of urban ...
Puig Mengual, Carlos Antonio(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2014-12-04)
En este treball es va plantejar i desenrotllar una metodologia per a la delineació
i extracció de forma individual de les diferents copes arbòries que es troben
situades en l’àmbit de la zona d’estudi per mitjà de dades ...
A methodology for mapping urban land-use types integrating information from multiple data sources (high spatial resolution imagery, LiDAR data, and cadastral plots) is presented. A large set of complementary descriptive ...
Estornell Cremades, Javier; Ruiz Fernández, Luis Ángel; Velázquez Martí, Borja; Hermosilla Gómez, Txomin(Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE), 2012)
Shrub vegetation is a key element of Mediterranean forest areas and it is necessary to develop tools that allow a precise knowledge of this vegetation. This study aims to predict shrub volume and analyze the factors affecting ...
[EN] Crop classification based on satellite and aerial imagery is a recurrent application in remote sensing. It has been used as input for
creating and updating agricultural inventories, yield prediction and land management. ...
A plot-based approach is proposed to detect fruit trees from high spatial resolution aerial images and extract tree and plot-based parameters, such as fraction of tree cover, number of trees, and planting patterns. Each ...
A high precision geometric method for automated shoreline detection from Landsat TM and ETM+ imagery is presented. The methodology is based on the application of an algorithm that ensures accurate image geometric registration ...
Gómez Jiménez, José Manuel(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2015-05-25)
[ES] Con el presente trabajo se persigue un triple objetivo.
En primer lugar, se pretende realizar un proceso completo en el ámbito de la teledetección, partiendo de cero, y realizando todas las fases importantes que ...
Ruiz Fernández, Luis Ángel(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2020-07-06)
Se describe el procedimiento para la elaboración de mapas de variables forestales a partir de datos LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) y datos de campo
Moll Romeu, Kevin(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019-09-25)
[ES] Se realiza un inventario de rutas de montaña en la zona del Pirineo Central mediante estudio bibliográfico y de campo, adquisición, preprocesado y combinación de datos georreferenciados (MDT, imágenes Sentinel 2, ...
Hermosilla Gómez, Txomin; Gil Yepes, José Luis; Recio Recio, Jorge Abel; Ruiz Fernández, Luis Ángel(E. Schweizerbart Science Publishers, 2012)
This paper presents a methodology for change detection in peri-urban areas using high spatial resolution image and lidar data, founded on object-based image classification and a comparison of the classification results ...
de Oliveira Silveira, Eduarda Martiniano; de Mello, Jose Marcio; Acerbi Junior, Fausto Weimar; dos Reis, Aliny Aparecida; Withey, Kieran Daniel; Ruiz Fernández, Luis Ángel(SciELO, 2017)
[EN] Assuming a relationship between landscape heterogeneity and measures of spatial
dependence by using remotely sensed data, the aim of this work was to evaluate the potential
of semivariogram parameters, derived from ...
[EN] The use of laser scanning acquired from the air, or ground, holds great potential for the assessment of forest structural attributes, beyond conventional forest inventory. The use of full-waveform airborne laser ...
Patiño Quinchía, Jorge Eduardo(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2016-01-07)
[EN] The first part of this work reviews the potential applications of satellite remote sensing to regional science research in urban settings. The availability of satellite remote sensing data has increased significantly ...
Villoslada Del Valle, María José(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2015-05-19)
[ES] Este proyecto tiene como principal finalidad la Clasificación de los
cultivos situados en el Condado de Wiltshire (Inglaterra). Posteriormente,
aplicaremos el Método de Vector de Cambios, para interpretar los ...
Carbonell Rivera, Juan Pedro; Ruiz Fernández, Luis Ángel; Estornell Cremades, Javier(2023-06-01)
Class3Dp is a software tool developed for supervised classification of photogrammetric point clouds. It allows the selection of training samples and classification of point clouds according to different features and machine ...
Carbonell-Rivera, Juan Pedro; Estornell Cremades, Javier; Ruiz Fernández, Luis Ángel; Crespo-Peremarch, Pablo; Almonacid-Caballer, Jaime; Torralba, Jesús(Elsevier, 2024-01)
[EN] Recognizing the species composition of an ecosystem is essential for conservation and land management. This study presents the software Class3Dp, a supervised classifier of vegetation species for coloured point clouds. ...
Carbonell-Rivera, Juan Pedro; Torralba, Jesús; Estornell Cremades, Javier; Ruiz Fernández, Luis Ángel; Crespo-Peremarch, Pablo(MDPI AG, 2022-01)
[EN] Modelling fire behaviour in forest fires is based on meteorological, topographical, and vegetation data, including species¿ type. To accurately parameterise these models, an inventory of the area of analysis with the ...