[EN] To induce sexual maturation in captivity, eels rely on hormonal treatments, but this process is costly and time-consuming. As an alternative, different types of conditioning, also referred as pre-treatment, have been ...
[EN] Tetraodontidae (pufferfish) family members carry the smallest genomes among vertebrates, and these pocket-sized genomes have directly contributed to our understanding of the structure and evolution of higher animals. ...
En este artículo vamos a explicar cómo estimar la densidad de células y/o partículas en una suspensión mediante el uso de diferentes tipos de cámaras de recuento. El conteo de partículas es una técnica ampliamente utilizada ...
Correjes Gregorio, Daniel(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024-10-24)
[ES] Los daños a los cultivos, a la biodiversidad, a la ganadería, a la salud pública y accidentes en carretera son cada vez más frecuentes a medida que crecen ciertas especies de animales. Estos daños se pueden evitar y/o ...
Sanglada Berlanga, Eloy(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024-10-15)
[ES] Estudiar la estructura de poblaciones de seres vivos resulta de interés tanto desde un punto de
vista ecológico como de gestión faunística. Por ello, el objetivo general de este trabajo fue
analizar la estructura y ...
Herranz-Jusdado, Juan Germán; Gallego Albiach, Victor; Rozenfeld, Christoffer; MORINI, MARINA; Pérez Igualada, Luz María; Asturiano Nemesio, Juan Francisco(Elsevier, 2019)
[EN] Maturation in captivity of European eel (Anguilla anguilla) requires long and costly hormonal treatments that often lead to asynchronic maturation between sexes. Therefore, optimization of sperm short-term storage ...
[EN] Contents European eel, Anguilla anguilla, is a target species for future captive breeding, yet best methodology to estimate sperm density for application in in vitro fertilization is not established. Thus, our objectives ...
Illana Sánchez, Guillem(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024-10-08)
[ES] La biodiversidad global se enfrenta a multitud de amenazas, donde especies exóticas invasoras (EEI) figuran entre los peligros más importantes para la diversidad biológica. El objetivo de este TFG ha sido analizar el ...
[EN] Marine pollution by nanoparticles (NPs) can be reprotoxic for fish and disturb successful reproduction of wild populations. In gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata), a mild effect on sperm motility was observed after ...
Gallego Albiach, Victor; Asturiano Nemesio, Juan Francisco(Blackwell Publishing, 2018)
[EN] Fish sperm motility is nowadays considered the best biomarker for the quality of fish spermatozoa, and sperm motion parameters from more than 300 fish species have been reported in more than 1500 scientific articles ...
Herranz-Jusdado, Juan Germán; Kása, É; Kollár, Timea; Gallego Albiach, Victor; Peñaranda, D.S.; Rozenfeld, Christoffer; Pérez Igualada, Luz María; Horváth, Ákos; Asturiano Nemesio, Juan Francisco(Journal of Visualized Experiments, 2018)
[EN] During the last years, several research groups have been working on the development and improvement of new protocols for the European eel handling and maturation. As of yet, weekly injections of human chorionic ...
Borrell, Yaisel J.; Carleos, Carlos E.; Sanchez, José A.; Vázquez, Emilia; Gallego Albiach, Victor; Asturiano Nemesio, Juan Francisco; Blanco, Gloria(Wiley, 2011-11)
[EN] Heterozygosity-fitness correlations (HFC) were assessed for a sample of a gilthead sea bream Sparus aurata population. Two hundred and seventy-one fish were genotyped at 22 known and novel microsatellite loci, from ...
Vilchez Olivencia, Maria Carmen; D. Pla; Gallego Albiach, Victor; Sanz, Libia; Pérez Igualada, Luz María; Asturiano Nemesio, Juan Francisco; Calvete, Juan J.; Peñaranda, D.S.(Elsevier, 2016-11)
[EN] By first time, 2DE protein profile of European eel seminal plasma has been determined. 14 different proteins corresponding to 9 major families were identified in seminal plasma, through hormonal treatment. Some of ...
Herranz Jusdado, Juan Germán(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019-11-12)
[ES] En las últimas décadas, la anguila europea Anguilla anguila ha sufrido una disminución drástica de su población lo que ha llevado su inclusión como especie en peligro crítico en la lista roja UICN. Esta situación, ...
[EN] Sperm activation involves ion fluxes as well as a previous maturation in the seminal plasma, something which has not been studied in depth in marine fish species. pH and potassium are probably involved in sperm ...
[EN] Seminal plasma characteristics, such as ionic composition and pH, are important for sperm maturation and further motility. In this work, a first batch of experiments evaluated the effect of the absence of several ions ...
[EN] The objective of this study was evaluating the effects on the growth rate and flesh quality of separating larvae according to their larval width in cultured gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata, L.). Progeny from two ...
[EN] Melatonin is a powerful antioxidant present in fish seminal plasma. This study aimed to understand melatonin's endogenous and exogenous effects on first-generation Senegalese sole sperm quality for sperm management ...
[EN] Gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor (GnRH-R) activation stimulates synthesis and release of
gonadotropins in the vertebrate pituitary and also mediates other processes both in the brain and in
peripheral tissues. ...
Félix, Francisca; Gallego Albiach, Victor; Mendes, Ana; Soares, Florbela; Vera, Luisa M.; Cabrita, Elsa; Oliveira, Catarina C V(Elsevier, 2023-08-30)
[EN] The study of melatonin is of great importance for the fundamental knowledge of any living system since it
displays many different physiological roles, including being a potent natural antioxidant. To the best of ...