Fuster García, Elíes(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2012-09-20)
A lo largo de la última década hemos asistido a un desarrollo sin precedentes de las tecnologías de la salud. Los avances en la informatización, la creación de redes, las técnicas de imagen, la robótica, las micro/nano ...
Conesa, Ana; Götz, Stefan; Garcia-Gomez, Juan M; Terol, Javier; Talón, Manuel; Robles Viejo, Montserrat(Oxford University Press, 2005-09-15)
[EN] We present here Blast2GO (B2G), a research tool designed with the main purpose of enabling Gene Ontology (GO) based data mining on sequence data for which no GO annotation is yet available. B2G joints in one application ...
Ferri Borredá, Pablo(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017-07-20)
The degree of homogeneity among data distributions is a critical issue when reusing data integrated from different sources, since the introduction of undesired variabilities may lead to misleading results. Therefore, ...
Álvarez Torres, Maria del Mar(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2022-10-31)
[ES] Los tumores cerebrales son una de las enfermedades más devastadoras en la actualidad por el importante deterioro cognitivo que sufren los pacientes, la elevada tasa de mortalidad y el mal pronóstico. Los astrocitomas ...
Vicente Robledo, Javier(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2012-10-15)
A lo largo de las últimas décadas, la disponibilidad cada vez mayor de grandes cantidades de información biomédica ha potenciado el desarrollo de herramientas que permiten extraer e inferir conocimiento. El aumento de ...
Blanes Selva, Vicent(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2022-12-30)
[ES] Los Cuidados Paliativos (PC) son cuidados médicos especializados cuyo objetivo esmejorar la calidad de vida de los pacientes con enfermedades graves. Históricamente,se han aplicado a los pacientes en fase terminal, ...
Perez-Benito, Francisco Javier; Garcia-Gomez, Juan M.; NAVARRO PARDO, ESPERANZA; Conejero, J. Alberto(John Wiley & Sons, 2020-09-30)
[EN] Deep neural networks (DNNs) have emerged as a state-of-the-art tool in very different research fields due to its adaptive power to the decision space since they do not presuppose any linear relationship between data. ...
Sáez Silvestre, Carlos; Robles Viejo, Montserrat; García Gómez, Juan Miguel(2013-07)
Research biobanks are often composed by data
from multiple sources. In some cases, these different subsets
of data may present dissimilarities among their probability
density functions (PDF) due to spatial shifts. This, ...
Object: This study demonstrates that 3T SV-MRS data can be used with the currently available automatic brain tumour diagnostic classifiers which were trained on databases of 1.5T spectra. This will allow the existing large ...
[EN] Palliative care (PC) has demonstrated benefits for life-limiting illnesses. Bad survival prognosis and patients' decline are working criteria to guide PC decision-making for older patients. Still, there is not a clear ...
Garcés Díaz-Munío, Gonzalo Vicente(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2012-02-23)
Students of computer science are becoming increasingly specialized, but to work in
multidisciplinary teams they need to appreciate different perspectives and methods. This Final
Year Project was carried out in the Physics ...
[EN] This is the second in a series of two papers regarding the construction of data quality (DQ) assured repositories,
based on population data from Electronic Health Records (EHR), for the reuse of information on infant ...
Garcia De Leon Chocano, Ricardo; Sáez Silvestre, Carlos; Muñoz Soler, Verónica; García de León González, Ricardo; García Gómez, Juan Miguel(Elsevier, 2015-12-01)
This is the first paper of a series of two regarding the construction of data quality (DQ) assured repositories for the reuse of information on infant feeding from birth until two years old. This first paper justifies the ...
García Gómez, Juan Miguel; Benedí Ruiz, José Miguel; Vicente Robledo, Javier; Robles Viejo, Montserrat(Inderscience, 2005)
[EN] In this paper, a new method for modelling tRNA secondary structures is presented. This method is based on the combination of stochastic context-free grammars (SCFG) and Hidden Markov Models (HMM). HMM are used to ...
Rockenschaub, Patrick; Nguyen, Vincent; Aldridge, Robert W.; Acosta, Dionisio; Garcia-Gomez, Juan M; Sáez Silvestre, Carlos(BMJ, 2020-02)
[EN] Objectives To demonstrate how data-driven variability methods can be used to identify changes in disease recording in two English electronic health records databases between 2001 and 2015.
Design Repeated cross-sectional ...
Pérez González, Alfonso María(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2015-07-17)
[EN] This work presents a decision support system (Criterion) that permits to develop guidelines in which the decision making is done in an environment of uncertainty. The proposed system gives the user the capability to ...
Ferri Borredà, Pablo(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024-03-28)
[ES] El triaje de los incidentes de urgencias y emergencias extrahospitalarias representa un reto difícil, debido a las limitaciones temporales y a la incertidumbre. Además, errores en este proceso pueden tener graves ...
[EN] The objective of this work was to develop a predictive model to aid non-clinical dispatchers to classify emergency medical call incidents by their life-threatening level (yes/no), admissible response delay (undelayable, ...
García Ferrando, Germán Adrián(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017-09-01)
The main goal of this Project is to apply Deep Learning techniques in the segmentation of two complex structures in medical image analysis: segmentation of the prostate and segmentation of the femoral head. Both of then ...
Jiménez Serrano, Santiago(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2014-05-15)
[EN] Postpartum depression is a disabling universal disease that affects many women from different countries during a key life stage for her and her newborn. The aim of this research involved the creation of classification ...