Navarro, Vicente; Ventura-Traveset, Javier(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021-10-01)
[EN] With the current GNSS infrastructure development plans, over 120 GNSS satellites (including European Galileo satellites)will provide, already this decade, continuous data, in several frequencies, without interruption ...
Carbonell-Rivera, Juan Pedro; Estornell, Javier; Ruiz, Luis; Abad, Alfonso; Felten, Bettina; Torralba, Jesús(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021-10-01)
[EN] In recent years, Remote Sensing (RS) and its derived products have been used as a key tool for the detection, monitoring,
management and future use of Marginal Lands (ML). Currently, there is no single, universally ...
[EN] Disagreements between public administrations and neighbors in areas near the territorial boundaries between
municipalities have increased as the urban development of municipalities increases. Not surprisingly, in ...
[EN] In the 1990s a methodology was developed to apply the concept of land aptitude to urban plans. This methodology was based on the concepts of capacity and vulnerability in the face of different urban uses (e.g. residential ...
Femenia-Ribera, Carmen; Mora Navarro, Joaquin Gaspar; Martínez Llario, José Carlos(MDPI AG, 2021-01)
[EN] A necessary and effective coordination between cadastre and land registry has always existed in Spain, but the difficulties have only been specifically addressed in the last few years. The aim of this study is to ...
Montero-Pau, Javier; Blanca Postigo, José Miguel; Esteras Gómez, Cristina; Martínez Pérez, Eva María; GOMEZ P; Monforte Gilabert, Antonio José; Cañizares Sales, Joaquín; Picó Sirvent, María Belén(Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.), 2017)
[EN] Background: Cucurbita pepo is a cucurbit with growing economic importance worldwide. Zucchini morphotype is
the most important within this highly variable species. Recently, transcriptome and Simple Sequence Repeat
(SSR)- ...
[EN] Along this article we are going to explain some interesting strategies to reach the quality required for the phenomena considered inside the feature catalogue for the new BTA data model proposed by the Spanish ...
Arevalo Verjel, Alba Nely; Lerma García, José Luis; Fernández, José(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021-10-01)
[EN] RPAS (Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems) are widely used in photogrammetry for taking images due to their high spatial
resolution and speed of response, being able to reach areas of difficult access, being important ...
Tachbouti, Dina(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2022-09-08)
[ES] El proyecto “Análisis web sobre la situación de la cartografía urbanística en las
administraciones locales valencianas” consiste en analizar y comparar la situación de la
cartografía de los planeamientos urbanísticos ...
Ureña Montaño, María Inés(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2022-09-28)
[ES] Este Trabajo Fin de Grado es el resultado de la beca de cooperación para la realización de prácticas académicas externas en la Conselleria de Política Territorial, Obras Públicas y Movilidad de la Generalitat ...
Carbó Roso, Marina(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023-10-24)
[ES] En su libro la Metrópolis Horizontal, la arquitecta, urbanista y profesora Paola Viganò (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne y en la Universidad de Venecia) propone la yuxtaposición de dos ideas aparentemente ...
Pascual Yarritu, José Pablo; Mora Navarro, Joaquín Gaspar; Femenía Ribera, Carmen(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021-10-01)
[EN] Fishing production is one of the most important economic activities in the world. It is also important at the national level as
Spain ranks as one of the 25 main producing countries of marine capture fisheries (FAO ...
Paredes, Carlos; De la Vega-Panizo, Rogelio; Ropero, Miguel(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021-10-01)
[EN] Despite today's extensive remote sensing imagery with all kinds of sensors, the use of old aerial imagery is still importantin the study of slowly evolving land processes to reconstruct past landscape forms. Numerous ...
Benavides, Llinet; Manso, Miguel(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021-10-01)
[EN] Solar forecasting is of great interest due to the growing use of renewable energies as an alternative to the global problems
posed by current energy sources. In the last decade important advances have been achieved, ...
[EN] Thermal sensors mounted on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) provide images with much lower resolution than other
sensors typically mounted simultaneously (visual spectrum sensors). This situation causes an inhomogeneity ...
[EN] Due to their oceanographic and climatic ecological characteristics, the coastal areas of the Valparaíso Region of Chile are
of great importance for the country's tourist, economic, and environmental development. The ...
Femenia-Ribera, Carmen; Mora Navarro, Joaquin Gaspar(Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles, 2023-06)
[ES] Cartografía antigua catastral para la detección de cambios de cultivo: los mapas topográficos parcelarios de Alboraya (1930-2013):
El objetivo de este estudio es evaluar la utilización de la información catastral ...
[ES] El presente artículo trata sobre el aspecto cartográfico de Chillida-Leku, pero con
un carácter espontáneo y libre. El lugar es un mapa viviente que se transforma con
voluntad propia y con un sentido concreto. Los ...
Maimi Checa, Meritxell(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2022-11-07)
[ES] Las fanerógamas marinas son ampliamente conocidas por sus múltiples servicios ecosistémicos, pero la información existente sobre su abundancia y distribución en el sector sur del Golfo de Valencia es escasa y está ...
Figueroa Hernández, Maria del Carmen(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2020-01-20)
[ES] Este trabajo propone redescubrir la ciudad a través de un recorrido sobre la práctica artística-crítica del ¿paseo¿, que discurre desde su aparición en la capital francesa, ampliando el significado más allá de la ...