Figueres Nave, Andreas(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2018-10-10)
[ES] De acuerdo con PMBOK Guide & Standards Project Management Institute, la gestión de las operaciones es responsable de la supervisión, la dirección y el control de las operaciones del negocio. Algunos tipos de operaciones ...
Segarra Durán, Pablo(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2020-10-13)
[EN] The aim of the work was to study the synthesis of polyenaminones, polymers that are
insoluble in water but with the ability to be chemically recycled. After overview of
various pathways of synthesis, their environmental ...
Kadi Hanifi Lebtahi, Nadim(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2020-05-11)
[FR] Mon stage de fin d’études s’est déroulé au sein de l’entreprise BUT International, une des entreprises
françaises les plus importantes dans le domaine de la distribution de l’ameublement et de
l’équipement de la ...
Mehrem Issa Mohamed Mehrem, Ahmed(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017-05-02)
The natural dynamics are not ideal or linear. To understand their complex behavior, we needs to study the nonlinear dynamics in more simple models. This thesis is consist of two main setups. Both setups are simplified ...
Beer, Gerald; Rodríguez López, Jesús(Michigan State University Press, 2010)
A function gg between directed sets ⟨Σ,⪰′⟩⟨Σ,⪰′⟩ and ⟨Λ,⪰⟩⟨Λ,⪰⟩ is called \emph{ultimately increasing} if for each σ1∈Σσ1∈Σ there exists σ2⪰′σ1σ2⪰′σ1 such that σ⪰′σ2⇒g(σ)⪰g(σ1)σ⪰′σ2⇒g(σ)⪰g(σ1). A subnet of a net aa defined ...