[EN] The mood of students has an impact on the teaching-learning process by influencing
motivation, memory and the ability to develop cognitive resources; therefore, mental health
should be considered in the educational ...
Moro, Paloma; Palacios-Ceña, Domingo; Lima Florencio, Lidiane; Perez Corrales, Jorge; Gueita Rodriguez, Javier; Martinez Piedrola, Rosa; Perez de Heredia, Marta; Jimenez Antona, Carmen(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021-09-28)
[EN] The COVID-19 pandemic forced a sudden adaptation of higher education to a complex and changing reality, by incorporating new technologies for teaching. The Health Sciences degrees have adapted their curriculum to this ...
Usach, Iris; Guillén, María Luisa; Juan-García, Ana(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2022-10-28)
[EN] Academic debate is a form of active learning that encourages students' critical thinking and
develops their oral communication skills. The objective of this work was to analyze the use of
debates in the learning ...
Juan Garcia, Ana; Usach Pérez, Iris; Soriano Ortega, Esther; Guillén Domínguez, Maria Luisa(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023-10-06)
[EN] Here it is presented the analysis of the use of debates in the learning process of students of the
Degree of Pharmacy at the University of Valencia (UV) and higher-level vocational training in
Health Sciences of the ...
[EN] Service-Learning (SL) aligned to Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) is an educational tool that is used in the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Valencia in an interdisciplinary way. The Study Plans of the ...
[EN] The use of smartphones, despite being mainly social, has begun to be implemented in the university environment as a tool for working in class and for communication between students regarding teaching material. However, ...
Schwartzman, Gisela; Roni, Carolina; Eder, María(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2014-12-26)
[ES] Encarar la formación sistemática de docentes en ejercicio cuya ocupación central no es la enseñanza presenta desafíos. En este trabajo se describe un Programa de formación en docencia universitaria en ciencias de la ...
de Castro Peraza, Maria; Delgado Rodriguez, Naira; Castro Molina, Francisco; Lorenzo Rocha, Nieves; Torres Jorge, Jesús; de Vega de Castro, Adrián; Alonso Quintana, Marcos; García Acosta, Jesús(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021-09-28)
[EN] From the beginning, the "Bologna Declaration" sought to achieve full university homologation given the heterogeneity of European educational systems. In this environment, where professional practices are combined with ...
López Garzón, María; Lozano Lozano, Mario; Postigo Martín, Paula; González Santos, Ángela; Serna, Eva; Mauricio, María Dolores; San Miguel, Teresa; Ortiz Comino, Lucía(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023-10-06)
[EN] The use of mobile devices to consult information has exponentially increased in recent years.
This fact makes it easier for university students to have a large amount of information at their
fingertips, favoring ...