Moscoso Ramírez, Pedro Antonio(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2013-12-20)
Las podredumbres verde y azul causadas por los hongos patógenos Penicillium digitatum (Pers.: Fr.) Sacc y Penicillium italicum Wehmer, respectivamente, son las responsables de grandes pérdidas económicas en poscosecha de ...
[EN] In this work, we study the capacity to biosynthesize gibberellins (GA) of ovules (either fertilised or unfertilised), developing seeds and pericarp from fruitlets and their relation with fruit set capacity. Experiments ...
[EN] The objective of this work was to study the influence of fruit load on CO2 assimilation in the leaves of citrus trees presenting alternate bearing habits, and the importance of this factor on photosynthetic rate ...
Fernández Puratich, Harald Wilson; Oliver Villanueva, José Vicente; Valiente, Mireya; Verdú, Salvador; Albert, Nuria(Instituto de Ecologia (México), 2014-09)
[EN] Woody biomass as an energy source varies according to species, environmental conditions that influence their production and dispersal in the territory. The estimation of the suitability of this resource is crucial for ...
Lacuesta Martínez, Sheila(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021-09-30)
[ES] En el proceso de obtención de zumo de naranja se genera un gran volumen de residuos que tienen un contenido abundante en compuestos fitoquímicos con propiedades antioxidantes. Su preciada composición justificaría el ...
Alquézar-García, Berta; Linhares Volpe, Haroldo Xavier; Facchini Magnani, Rodrigo; Pedreira de Miranda, Marcelo; Almeida Santos, Mateus; Vieira Marques, Viviani; Rodrigues de Almeida, Márcia; Arno Wulff, Nelson; Ting, Hieng-Ming; de Vries, Michel; Schuurink, Robert; Bouwmeester, Harro; Peña, Leandro(Frontiers Media SA, 2021-03-02)
[EN] Huanglongbing (HLB) is a destructive disease, associated with psyllid-transmitted phloem-restricted pathogenic bacteria, which is seriously endangering citriculture worldwide. It affects all citrus species and cultivars ...
Rebolledo Roa, Alexander(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2008-05-06)
Se estudiaron los procesos de abscisión y de crecimiento del fruto del naranjo dulce Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck de la variedad Salustiana, en árboles de 20 años de edad, con un alto nivel de floración. También se investigó ...
Armado Álvarez, Luis; León Santana, Maela; Abad Campos, Paloma; García Jiménez, José; Vicent, Antonio(Springer Verlag (Germany), 2011-01)
[EN] Considerable tree losses have been observed during the past few years in Spain due to Phytophthora branch canker of clementines caused by Phytophthora citrophthora. The emergence of this disease led to the speculation ...
Castillo, M.C.; Forment Millet, José Javier; Gadea Vacas, José; Carrasco, JL; Juarez, J.; Navarro, L.; Ancillo, G.(Oxford University Press (OUP): Policy B - Oxford Open Option A, 2013-11)
[EN] The juvenile to adult transition (JAT) in higher plants is required for them to reach reproductive competence. However, it is a poorly understood process in woody plants, where only a few genes have been definitely ...
[EN] Citrus fruits are characterized by a complex mixture of volatiles making up their characteristic aromas, being the D-limonene the most abundant one. However, its role on citrus fruit and juice odor is controversial. ...
Juraske, Ronnie; Sanjuán Pellicer, María Nieves(Elsevier, 2011-02)
[EN] The relative impacts of 25 pesticides including acaricides, fungicides, herbicides, insecticides, and post-harvest fungicides, used in the production of oranges in Spain were assessed with current life cycle impact ...
Salcedo Cidoncha, Ramón(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2016-01-07)
[EN] During the application of pesticides in tree crops with airblast sprayer only a fraction reaches vegetation, while the rest is lost in the atmosphere, soil or surface waters or evaporates quickly. These losses pose a ...
[EN] While the ethylene-auxin interactions are well documented in model dicots such as tomato (climacteric fruit) during mature fruit abscission, the process is not clearly understood in citrus (non-climacteric fruit). The ...
González Nebauer, Sergio; Renau Morata, Begoña; Guardiola, Jose Luis; Molina Romero, Rosa Victoria(Oxford University Press (OUP), 2011-02)
Photosynthesis down-regulation due to an imbalance between sources and sinks in Citrus leaves could be mediated by excessive accumulation of carbohydrates. However, there is limited understanding of the physiological role ...
Robledo Rodríguez, Pedro(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2018-12-17)
La maduración de los frutos cítricos depende de factores endógenos, relativos al genotipo, y de factores exógenos, relativos a las condiciones ambientales. La relación entre los factores ambientales, en particular la ...
Vicent, A.; Botella-Rocamora, P.; Lopez-Quilez, A.; de la Roca, E.; Bascon, J.; García Jiménez, José(Springer Verlag (Germany), 2012-07)
[EN] Phytophthora branch canker, caused by Phytophthora citrophthora, has been an increasing problem in clementine (Citrus reticulata) production in Spain during last years. The disease was particularly severe in the new ...
Hueso Estornell, Leandro; Gómez Jiménez, Maria Dolores; Perez Amador, Miguel Angel; Talon, M.; Tadeo, F. R.(International Society for Horticultural Science, 2016)
[EN] The separation events of abscission occur in a group of functionally specialized
cells known as the abscission zone (AZ). This tissue differentiates simultaneously
with the development of lateral organs formed from ...
Soares Rossi, Wagner(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2018-02-19)
[ES] Los aceites esenciales han sido ampliamente adoptados en la sociedad moderna y tienen su importancia como fragancia con potencial curativo para el cuerpo, la mente y el espíritu. Pero, es una sustancia de alta tasa ...
Soares Rossi, Wagner(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2022-04-11)
[ES] La tecnología de microencapsulación se ha utilizado en áreas como farmacología, medicina, ingeniería y diseño. Centrado en el área de la ingeniería, más específicamente, la selección de materiales y el desarrollo de ...
Aleza, Pablo; Froelicher, Yann; Schwarz, Sergio; Agustí Fonfría, Manuel; Hernández, María; Juárez, José; Luro, François; Morillon, Raphael; Navarro Lucas, Luis; Ollitrault, Patrick(Oxford University Press (OUP): Policy B - Oxford Open Option A, 2011-05-17)
¿ Background and Aims: Polyploidy is a major component of plant evolution. The citrus gene pool is essentially diploid but tetraploid plants are frequently encountered in seedlings of diploid apomictic genotypes. The main ...