Martínez, Pedro J.; Martínez, Pedro; Soto Francés, Víctor Manuel; Rodriguez, Juan; Bujedo, Luis A.(Taylor & Francis, 2019)
[EN] Current ventilation airflow rates imposed by building regulations eventually force HVAC systems to remove high latent loads. Dedicated outdoor air systems (DOASs) equipped with a desiccant wheel, are an
alternative ...
[EN] Spanish building regulations have increased the ventilation rates creating humidity control problems. Dedicated outdoor air systems (DOASs) including a desiccant wheel can dry the ventilation air so that the cooling ...
García Redondo, David(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2020-04-24)
[ES] Esta tesis compara la eficiencia de dos sistemas de refrigeración transcríticos usando CO2 como refrigerante, el sistema de vanguardia booster y en sistema estándar en paralelo. El principal objetivo es cuantificar ...