[EN] MapReduce is one of the most widely used programming models for analysing large-scale datasets, i.e. Big Data. In recent years, serverless computing and, in particular, Functions as a Service (FaaS) has surged as an ...
Lapuebla-Ferri, Andrés; Perez del Palomar, Amaya; Herrero, Javier; Jimenez Mocholi, Antonio José(Elsevier, 2011)
[EN] Breast augmentation surgery is a widespread practice for aesthetic purposes. Current techniques, however, are not able to reliably predict the desired final aspect of the breast after the intervention, whose success ...
López-Huguet, Sergio; Pérez-González, Alfonso María; Calatrava Arroyo, Amanda; Alfonso Laguna, Carlos De; Caballer Fernández, Miguel; Moltó, Germán; Blanquer Espert, Ignacio(Elsevier, 2019)
[EN] This article describes the development of an automated configuration of a software platform for Data Analytics that supports horizontal and vertical elasticity to guarantee meeting a specific deadline. It specifies ...
Muñoz-Escoí, Francesc D.; Bernabeu Aubán, José Manuel(Springer-Verlag, 2017-07)
[EN] Elasticity is a goal of cloud computing. An elastic system should manage in an autonomic way its resources, being adaptive to dynamic workloads, allocating additional resources when workload is increased and deallocating ...
Giménez-Alventosa, Vicent; Segrelles Quilis, José Damián; Moltó, Germán; Roca-Sogorb, Mar(Schattauer GmbH (Methods of Information in Medicine), 2020-12)
[EN] Background Scientific publications are meant to exchange knowledge among researchers but the inability to properly reproduce computational experiments limits the quality of scientific research. Furthermore, bibliography ...
Peña Maestre, María Rocío(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2014-01-27)
La elastografía es una técnica ultrasónica no invasiva basada en la ecografía, que permite obtener imágenes, denominadas elastogramas, de las propiedades elásticas de tejidos biológicos. Los tejidos blandos y normales se ...
[EN] A set of elastomeric scaffolds with a well defined porous structure was prepared with a template leaching procedure and coated with hyaluronic acid solutions. Depending on the coating process parameters the hyaluronic ...
Caballer Fernández, Miguel; Alfonso Laguna, Carlos de; Moltó, Germán; Romero Alcalde, Eloy; Blanquer Espert, Ignacio; García García, Andrés(Elsevier, 2014-07)
This paper presents a platform that supports the execution of scientific applications covering different programming models (such as Master/Slave, Parallel/MPI, MapReduce and Workflows) on Cloud infrastructures. The platform ...
Alfonso Laguna, Carlos de; Calatrava Arroyo, Amanda; Moltó, Germán(Elsevier, 2017)
[EN] eScience demands large-scale computing clusters to support the efficient execution of resource-intensive
scientific applications. Virtual Machines (VMs) have introduced the ability to provide customizable execution
Figueiras Escriche, Pablo(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019-11-08)
[ES] Una articulación elástica se compone de un elemento motor que genera un par necesario para permitir el movimiento del eje, y un eslabón; siendo este último el elemento a controlar. Entre ambos elementos existe un ...
Bescós León, Daniel(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2022-10-21)
[ES] Las neuropatías periféricas son un conjunto de patologías de diversa naturaleza y origen que afectan los nervios que residen fuera del sistema nervioso central. Las fuentes de lesión más comunes son los traumatismos ...
Alfonso Laguna, Carlos de(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2016-10-23)
[EN] Modern data centers integrate a lot of computer and electronic devices. However, some reports state that the mean usage of a typical data center is around 50% of its peak capacity, and the mean usage of each server ...
Porras, R.; Arias-Trujillo, J.(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2016-12-30)
[EN] The current work presents an activity developed by first-year undergraduate students of Civil Engineering at the University of Castilla-La Mancha. Due to the character of this activity and the type of ...
Egea Jiménez, Inmaculada(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2020-11-09)
[ES] Los impuestos son una de las formas que tiene el estado de recaudar recursos económicos, pudiendo ser estos directos o indirectos. Dentro de los impuestos indirectos se encuentran los impuestos especiales, que repercuten ...
Martínez Soria, Joan Lluís(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2018-12-27)
[EN] This Final Master Thesis approach the study of the corridor Madrid-Paris, Barcelona-Paris and Madrid-Barcelona to evaluate its new demand after the introduction of a new transport system, being selected Hyperloop ...
Rayón Encinas, Emilio; Bonache Bezares, Victoria; Salvador Moya, Mª Dolores; Roa, J. J.; Sánchez, E.(Elsevier, 2011-05-25)
A statistical indentation analysis of WC-Co coatings obtained by atmospheric plasma spray (APS) with two secondary plasma gases, H 2 and He, was investigated using an instrumented indentation technique with the aim of ...
Calatrava Arroyo, Amanda(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2016-12-16)
Scientific applications generally require large computational requirements, memory and data management for their execution. Such applications have traditionally used high-performance resources, such as shared memory ...
In this work, we focus on the study of the structural and elastic properties of mercury digallium selenide (HgGa2Se4) which belongs to the family of AB 2 X 4 ordered-vacancy compounds with tetragonal defect chalcopyrite ...
Calderón García, Pedro Antonio; Glisic, B.(IOP Publishing: Hybrid Open Access, 2012-04-30)
In many civil and geotechnical applications it is of interest to monitor the strain deep inside the structure; consequently, it is necessary to embed the sensors into the structure's material. Construction and geotechnical ...