The first step to detect when a vineyard has any type of deficiency, pest or disease is to observe its stems, its grapes and/or its leaves. To place a sensor in each leaf of every vineyard is obviously not feasible in terms ...
Ballesteros García, Guillem; Matres Abril, Joaquín; Martí Sendra, Javier; Oton Nieto, Claudio José(Optical Society of America, 2011)
We present an experimental technique to characterize back-scattering in silicon microring resonators, together with a simple analytical model that reproduces the experimental results. The model can extract all the key ...
Rodríguez Cantó, Pedro Javier; Martínez Marco, Mª Luz; Rodríguez Fortuño, Francisco José; Tomás Navarro, Begoña; Ortuño Molinero, Rubén; Peransi Llopis, Sergio Manuel; Martínez Abietar, Alejandro José(Optical Society of America, 2011)
[EN] In this work, we demonstrate experimentally the use of an array of gold nanodisks on functionalized silicon for chemosensing purposes. The metallic nanostructures are designed to display a very strong plasmonic resonance ...
This work deals with the design of a high sensitivity DNA sequence detector using a 50 MHz quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) electronic oscillator circuit. The oscillator circuitry is based on Miller topology, which is ...
Torrejón Candela, Esther(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019-10-04)
[ES] Ultimamente el fenómeno de la inmigración se ha revelado como uno de los temas de mayor actualidad en las sociedades desarrolladas. Cada vez son más las personas procedentes de países con crisis humanitarias que huyen ...
Muñoz Biendicho, Mario(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2015-09-10)
[EN] A methodology was proposed for spray drying process design to synthesize rosehip
microcapsules with a future cosmetic application. First was developed an experimental
practice in a spray dryer Büchi B-290 and ...
Pomar Martínez, Daniel(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021-05-17)
[ES] La industrialización de frutas y hortalizas genera una cantidad considerable de residuos que tienen un impacto negativo sobre el medio ambiente. Debido a que solo una pequeña parte se utiliza como alimento animal, es ...
This paper reports an economic, simple, and rapid FI-CL method for the determination of MCPA. This method requires simple instrumentation and it is fast enough to be used in routine analyses. A chemiluminescence signal is ...
Aamer, Mariam; Griol Barres, Amadeu; Brimont, Antoine Christian Jacques; Gutiérrez Campo, Ana María; Sanchis Kilders, Pablo; Håkansson, A.(Optical Society of America, 2012)
[EN] We present an optimized design for a 10G- differential-phase-shift-keyed (DPSK) receiver based on a silicon-on-insulator (SOI) unbalanced tunable Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI) switch in sequence with a Mach-Zehnder ...
Sánchez-Dehesa Moreno-Cid, José; García Chocano, Víctor Manuel; Torrent Martí, Daniel; Cervera Moreno, Francisco Salvador; Cabrera García, Suitberto; Simon, Francisco(Acoustical Society of America, 2011-03)
A systematic study of noise barriers based on sonic crystals made of cylinders that use recycled materials like absorbing component is reported here. The barriers consist of only three rows of perforated metal shells filled ...
Theoretical results on sound transmission through plates perforated with compound periodic hole arrays are presented. Calculations are obtained by means of a model under the rigid-solid assumption, which is thoroughly ...
Alves, T.M.F.; Morant Pérez, María; Cartaxo, A.V.T.; Llorente Sáez, Roberto(Optical Society of America, 2012)
[EN] The simultaneous transmission of four orthogonal frequencydivision multiplexing (OFDM)-based signals used to provide quintuple-play services along wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) long-reach passive optical ...
This paper introduces a flexible hardware and software architecture for a smart video sensor. This sensor has been applied in a video surveillance application where some of these video sensors are deployed, constituting ...