Alvarez-Ponce, David; Sabater-Munoz, Beatriz; Toft, Chirstina; Ruíz-González, Mario Javier; Fares Riaño, Mario Ali(Oxford University Press (OUP), 2016-09)
[EN] The Neutral Theory of Molecular Evolution is considered the most powerful theory to understand the evolutionary behavior of proteins. One of the main predictions of this theory is that essential proteins should evolve ...
Solas Cerezo, Sergio(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2022-04-05)
[ES] El derecho a la vivienda ha sido entendido socialmente como el derecho a un alojamiento, a un lecho, a un techo. Sin embargo, la crisis inmobiliaria se encargó de sacudir la rancia creencia en que el valor de un piso ...
Margagliotta, Antonino(Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2022-03-23)
[EN] Every piece of architecture always aspires to
become a monument, if only for the intentionality of meaning,
witness and duration that becomes suggestive and evident
through the etymological interpretation of the ...