[EN] In this work, we propose the study of SN P systems as classical information encoders. By taking the spike train of an SN P system as a (binary) source of information, we can obtain different languages according to a ...
Arias-Gonzalez, J. R.(American Institute of Physics, 2016-11-14)
[EN] Stochastic chains represent a key variety of phenomena in many branches of science within the context of information theory and thermodynamics. They are typically approached by a sequence of independent events or by ...
[EN] Statistical mechanics is a physics theory that deals with ensembles of microstates of a system compatible with environmental constraints and that on average define a thermodynamic state. The evolution of a small system ...
Arias-Gonzalez, J. R.(American Institute of Physics, 2017-11-28)
[EN] Information is represented by linear strings of symbols with memory that carry errors as a result of their stochastic nature. Proofreading and edition are assumed to improve certainty although such processes may not ...