Carrasquer Colechá, Roger(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2022-09-20)
[CA] El present Treball Fi de Grau es centra en l'estudi d'una pintura sobre taula de petit format procedent del Reial Convent de Santa Clara de Gandia, actualment exposada al Museu de Santa Clara d'aquesta mateixa localitat. ...
Herrero-Cortell, Miguel Ángel; PUIG-SANCHIS, ISIDRO(Universitat de Valencia, Dep. Història de l'Art, 2019)
[ES] El presente artículo pretende realizar un somero análisis al corpus de dibujos sobre papel atribuido
a Joan de Joanes y a sus más directos seguidores, desde una óptica metaformal, adentrándose en la génesis
misma de ...
Herrero-Cortell, Miguel Ángel; PUIG-SANCHIS, ISIDRO(UNED - Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia, 2021-10-15)
[EN] This paper focuses on the period of consolidation of Joan de Joanes as a master
painter, and particularly at the time when, before taking charge of the management
of the family workshop, he worked in the shadow of ...
Herrero-Cortell, Miguel Ángel; PUIG-SANCHIS, ISIDRO(Malaga University, 2022)
[EN] This article deals with the formal, stylistic, procedural, and technical analysis of a series of panels representing the Nursing
Virgin. It is a model of which dozens of versions and their copies have been documented. ...
PUIG-SANCHIS, ISIDRO(Universidad de Granada. Editorial, 2021)
[EN] Miguel Joan Porta is one of the many painters trained in the setting of Joan de Joanes, a
leading figure in Valencian painting from the
16th century.
Likewise, to present a biographical profile of
the artist, we provide ...