[EN] A simulation method for large eddy simulations (LES) of dispersed gas-liquid bubbly
flows based on an Eulerian-Eulerian (E-E) model is presented. A volume averaging approach is
used resulting in a set of conservation ...
[EN] Designing future ultra-high efficiency, ultra-low emission engines requires an in depth understanding of the multiscale,
multi-phase phenomena taking place in the combustion chamber. The performance of the fuel ...
Crialesi Esposito, Marco(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017-08-29)
The understanding of the combustion process in energy generation, both for stationary purpose or for propulsion, is becoming more and more demanding as the technology progress toward a cleaner combustion able to reduce the ...
[EN] The operation of compressor at lower mass flow rates is limited by surge which is marked by large fluctuations in operational variables and accompanied by significant increase in noise. Ported shroud casing treatment ...
Ortiz Tarín, José Luis(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2015-05-15)
Spectral analysis of turbulent
uxes and new stresses that appear in the variable-density ltered Navier-
Stokes equations has been carried out following an analogous procedure to the one used in traditional
turbulence ...
Salvador, Francisco Javier; Carreres, Marcos; Quintero-Igeño, Pedro-Manuel; González-Montero, Lucas Antonio(Springer-Verlag, 2021-06)
[EN] Pipe flow is a well-documented case widely studied in both theoretical and practical applications. The present work aims at studying the influence of the Reynolds number on turbulent vortex distribution using Large ...
Sánchez-Cordero, E.; Boix, J.; Gómez, M.; Bladé, E.(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2018-07-30)
[EN] In this paper, three-dimensional numerical analysis of dam-break flow pattern in a laboratory-scale is reported. The simulation was performed using the open source computational fluid dynamics (CFD) solver based on ...
Mompó Laborda, Juan Manuel(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2014-05-09)
The main objective of this PhD thesis is the study of Diesel sprays under
evaporative conditions by means of Large Eddy Simulations (LES) techniques.
This study has been performed implementing a precise, low-demanding ...
Miquel Silla, Álvaro(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017-09-27)
[EN] It consists of a HP EGR system where the mixing between air and EGR is done produce in such a way that the EGR distribution between cylinders isn¿t evenly distributed. Thus, CFD simulations are proposed to study this ...
Serrano García, Antonio Javier(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023-10-24)
[ES] Durante las últimas décadas, y especialmente en occidente, la concienciación acerca de la conservación del medio ambiente y la preocupación social por el cambio climático del planeta han ido incrementando. Muchos ...
Sánchez Riera, Sebastián(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021-09-03)
[ES] Desde sus inicios, el crecimiento de la industria aeroespacial ha estado ligado a la investigación, desarrollo e implementación de tecnologías punteras en sus sistemas y vehículos. En la actualidad, la masificación ...
Sánchez Moreno, Francisco(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019-06-28)
[EN] In the present study an analysis about Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) is carried out.The geometry is a rectangular flat plate which is attached by one of its sides to a squarecross section bar. This bar is in charge ...
González Montero, Lucas Antonio(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2019-10-29)
[ES] El flujo en conductos es un caso muy bien documentado, estudiado tanto desde el punto de vista teórico como el experimental. Este trabajo tiene el objetivo de estudiar, mediante cálculos computacionales con Large Eddy ...
Giraldo Valderrama, Jhoan Sebastián(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2015-05-18)
[EN] The experiment of Cabra has been of great interest, because these kind of flames allow analysis of flame stabilization by a vitiated co-flow (like products of combustion). This phenomenon has been seen in several ...
Sharma, Sidharath; GARCIA TISCAR, JORGE; Allport, John M.; Barrans, Simon; Nickson, Ambrose K.(Elsevier, 2020-03)
[EN] Developments in computing infrastructure and methods over the last decade have enhanced the potential of numerical methods to reasonably predict the aerodynamic noise. The generation and propagation of the flow induced ...
[EN] This paper is to present a detailed case study on how the nozzle flow dynamics influences the primary breakup in
the spray formation process of diesel injection. The investigation was based on a 3-hole real-application ...
Battistoni, Michele; Magnotti, Gina M.; Genzale, Caroline L.; Arienti, Marco; Matusik, Katarzyna E.; Duke, Daniel J.; GIRALDO-VALDERRAMA, JHOAN SEBASTIAN; Ilavsky, Jan; Kastengren, Alan L.; Powell, Christopher F.; Marti-Aldaravi, Pedro(SAE International, 2018)
[EN] In order to improve understanding of the primary atomization process for diesel-like sprays, a collaborative experimental and computational study was focused on the near-nozzle spray structure for the Engine Combustion ...
[EN] In this work, both experimental and numerical investigations have been carried out in order to improve the
modelling of the vaporization of wall liquid-deposits in internal combustion engines. A comprehensive model ...
Torres Greus, Pablo(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2020-09-17)
[ES] El estudio de los flujos urbanos ha sido un campo de interés en la mecánica de fluidos moderna por ahora.
Más de veinte años. El conocimiento de cómo se comporta un flujo de aire en las copas urbanas
presenta muchas ...
Torres García, José Vicente(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2015-04-27)
Internal cooling systems equipped with rib-roughened cooling ducts are used at turbine
blades to refrigerate the metal by forced convection. The heat exchange between the
walls of the cooling duct and the
uid is sometimes ...