[EN] E-learning was crucial during the global lockdown. In this way, this article aims to propose and validate a holistic framework in which all the E-learning services are needed to ensure their effective implementation ...
[EN] The Degree in Technical Architecture (GAT) of the Higher Polytechnic School
of Zamora, of the University of Salamanca, is going through a difficult moment
in terms of the number of enrollments, with a drastic ...
[EN] Rankings of higher education institutions are used as important marketing tools. Given their competitive environment, business schools increasingly use their position in rankings to attract new students and staff and ...
[EN] The role of e-learning in the existing and challenging educational era is crucial. However, it is necessary to overcome some drawbacks such as feelings of isolation and a lack of emotional contact. In this sense, ...
Lloret Grau, Teresa; Mir Acebrón, Anna(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2007-02-15)
[ES] En el presente artículo se plantea un balance de la implementación de los cambios metodológicos promovidos por el EEES en algunas titulaciones de la Universidad Pompeu Fabra (UPF), a partir de los datos recogidos en ...