[EN] The effect of applying white clay (kaolin, kaolin or kaolinite) in the vineyard related to the
conventional, polyphenolic and sensorial composition of Monastrell wines has been studied. For
this, kaolin has been ...[+]
[EN] The effect of applying white clay (kaolin, kaolin or kaolinite) in the vineyard related to the
conventional, polyphenolic and sensorial composition of Monastrell wines has been studied. For
this, kaolin has been applied, in two different doses, sprayed on the aerial part of the plants,
during the maturation of the grape, in order to generate a thin film that protects the bunches
from excess solar radiation. Since Mediterranean viticulture is especially sensitive to the effects
of climate change, and to minimize its effect, it may be interesting to apply a sunscreen for the
vineyard. This allows us to reduce the temperature and preserve the quality of our wines. Once
the grapes were harvested, three vinification protocols were carried out in triplicate, a control
protocol with grapes without treatment, and two protocols with the grapes of the different
doses of kaolin applied. Once the wines were made, their chemical and organoleptic
composition was studied to see the effect of the treatments applied in the vineyard. The results
show that kaolin contributes significantly to improving the color intensity, concentration of total
and colored anthocyanins in wines, being more protected against oxidative reactions, due to the
antioxidant properties of these compounds and giving a greater amount of color and more
[ES] Se ha estudiado el efecto de la aplicación de la arcilla caolinita en el viñedo sobre la composición convencional, polifenólica y sensorial de los vinos de Monastrell. Para ello se ha aplicado la caolinita en dos ...[+]
[ES] Se ha estudiado el efecto de la aplicación de la arcilla caolinita en el viñedo sobre la composición convencional, polifenólica y sensorial de los vinos de Monastrell. Para ello se ha aplicado la caolinita en dos dosis distintas sobre los racimos de Monastrell, durante la maduración de la uva, con la finalidad de hacer una fina película que proteja a los racimos del exceso de radiaciones solares, ya que la viticultura mediterránea es especialmente sensible a los efectos del cambio climático, y para minimizar su efecto, puede ser interesante aplicar un protector solar para el viñedo. Esto nos permite reducir la temperatura y conservar la calidad de nuestros vinos. Una vez vendimiada la uva, se procedió a hacer tres protocolos de vinificación por triplicado, un protocolo control con uva sin tratar, y dos protocolos con las uvas de las distintas dosis de caolín aplicadas. Una vez elaborados los vinos se estudió su composición química y organoléptica para ver el efecto de los tratamientos aplicados en el viñedo.